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Communication secrets

Guide pratique : Communication secrets. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Mars 2024  •  Guide pratique  •  614 Mots (3 Pages)  •  169 Vues

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Vous m’avez présenter 2 documents

une vidéo & un texte

la vidéo a été diffuse sur Youtube et dure 2 :02

Elle a pour titre : Communication secrets

Dans ces 2 documents, on mentionne Richard Mullender qui fut policier & negociateur

Le texte lui provient du magazine Vocable paru le 28.10.21 et à l’origine publié dans le journal anglo-saxon The Economist

Son titre est Successful listening et il n’a pas d’auteur connu

Le thème commun aux é documents est la  communication professionnelle

On nous explique ici que bien communiquer c’est bien écouter

Dans la vidéo de la conférence, RM explique qu’il faut écouter pour mieux recueillir des infos, les interpréter et si besoin manipuler l’autre avec

Dans l’article, il est suggéré que pour bien écouter, il faut opérer une écoute active, c’es-à-dire identifier, sélectionner & interpréter les mots-clefs


Now I shall move on to the professional analysis in English

These documentss relate to one another in the sense that they develop the same concepts intro & topic

Communicating is more about listening than talking so as to retrieve information & use it for professional purposes main idea

RM mentions that facts are easy to understand (video) & emotions & values are easy to use as indicators of what the speaker wants RM link & importance

In the world of work & trade, communication is crucial as it allows companies & entrepreneurs to reach their target public/audience context

For instance, at a customer level, communication & good listening skills are privy to assessing needs & satisfying demands

Also, good questioning skills (cf the art of inquisitive repetition) can be useful in collecting information to further enhance the customer’s buying experience & overall purchase outcome reference to professional experience

In everyday life & in the world of human psychology, listening rather than talking brings about better results & allows both communicators to get insight of what the other thinks & how they  do broadening the topic

This is how we keep open minded & tolerant own personal  experience (UK)

As a customer,  I have to admit I have deliberately shut down communication with salespeople for years now as I prefer to buy personal items online where communication is shortened to what I want to buy, how I want to buy it, when & where it gets delivered & which payment method I use as a customer

When I used to go physically shopping for clothes for example, I hated people coming up to me to ask if I was ok or looking for something. Of course I was & yes I knew what I came in for

Also I couldn’t bear the queues & fuss of searching for the perfect item

This is particularly obvious in the way I became a self employed entrepreneur back in 2015 & was running an online shop professional experience

My communication with my customers was physical (appointments at home) but there was no walking around a physical boutique & no chasing customers out there


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