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Commentaire anglais de " the problem we all live with"

Commentaire d'oeuvre : Commentaire anglais de " the problem we all live with". Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  15 Novembre 2023  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  734 Mots (3 Pages)  •  190 Vues

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 Oral du brevet :

The beguining of the history of black people in America is in 1619 when the first slave were brought into America. Then, in 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the USA, and, he wanted to abolish slavery.

So the south seceded from the north and he left the union. In 1861, the north declaredd war to the south for kept him in the union, it is the war of secession.

In 1865, the north won over the south, it is the end of the civil war. So slavery was totaly abolish, slaves was emancipated but the president Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. After the war of cessession, slavery was abolished but southern people are not agree with that and the ku-klux-klan was createD

In 1876 the segregation became official with the Jim Craw laws. This laws are discriminated on black people ; For example with this laws, blacks children are not allowed to school with whites children. It is realy the beguining of the segregation.

In 1954, the segregation in education was declared illegal. Is the moment where the first black child go to school for whites. I'm going to speak to a painting. Is name is « The problem we all live with », he speak about this moment where a black little girl go to school for whites.

The document is « The problem we alle live with », he looks like a picture but it is a painting, the scene looks like very real so we could have tought it was a picture.

It can be classified into hyperrealism genre, it was painting by the american artist Norman Rockwell.

It was published into the magazine look in 1964.

I'm going to describe this painting. Our eyes immediatly down toward the littlegirl in the center of the painting because of the contrast between her little size and the four Marshalls who are very tall. We can not see their heads and this make the look taller. There is also an opposition between the color of the girl's skin and the color of her clothes. We can see she is proud, determinated and self-assured. We can understand she is going to school because she had school stuff.

Her little size and her white outfit evoke peace, purity and innocence and they contrast with the violence surrunding the little girl : the tomato splashed on the wall evoke blood, the racist insult nigger and the three initial kkk meaning ku-klux-klan. The kkk was a racist group who discriminated on black people and killed them. All these elements are the symbol of the xenophobe atmosphere around the arrival of Ruby Bridge, the little girl.

The Marshalls represent the law. The yellow color on their signs and on their armbands represent the law. The color can be seen on Ruby Brige's ruler. This mean she had the right to go to school. Finaly, we can not see the Marshall's head they are reduced to theirs rôle of protection, therefore all the focus is on Ruby.

This painting show the reality because Ruby Bridge had really existed and this story too. The little girl really neaded 4 Marshalls who are protect her because she wanted to go to school.

The second painting that I present is « Moving in », and it was painting in 1967 by Norman Rockwell too. The painting show the racism between blacks and whites people and the difficulties of desegregation in the USA like the first painting. We see a group of black children facing a group of whites children. A big gap separates them and a line wich can symbolize the lack of contact between the two worlds.


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