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The Problem We All Live With

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Par   •  17 Mars 2015  •  362 Mots (2 Pages)  •  864 Vues

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First I want to say that i know that painting. It’s a Norman Rockwell’s painting call : The Problem We All Live with . So i choose to take a few lines of my writing to describe him. Norman Rockwell is born in New York in february 3, in 1978. Lots of his paintings believe to the realism movement like « The Problem We All Live With ». He is sometimes describe as a storyteller because of the he design his paintings. He starts with choose a picture. Thereafter he does some sketch for have an idea of the painting. And then he realizes the drawing on the canvas definitely.

That painting shows a portrait of a little black girl : Ruby Bridges. She a six-year old girl. The girl is in the middle on the painting, dressed in white, between 4 US Marshall policemen. Firstly, on the top, in the wall, there is a word « nigger ». Next on the left, again « KKK ». And on the right, a « splash » of a tomato. She’s holding some books and copybooks. So i can deduce that she goes. Indeed, for many people who don’t know this story ; it happens in the south of the United States in the 60’s, in New-Orleans. She had been the first black to go on a public school only for white. With those words on the wall, i may evocate segregation. Personally, i think it’s a way to show how thw white man will never accept the black ; it’s not simply a form of racism, just hatred. As she says in an interview « people should not judge by the color ». All i want it will be to leave this moment and see how it’s was difficult to Ruby. i think black people and white should love each and other instead of destroy. If we are united we can better things, and consider a better future too. Finally, i want to end my writing with some black people who made the history : Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X, Martin Luther…


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