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Anglais entraînement sur les temps

Cours : Anglais entraînement sur les temps. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Juin 2024  •  Cours  •  407 Mots (2 Pages)  •  74 Vues

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Grammar Quiz KEY    /20

Will (Umbrella)

  1. Why do we use “will” to talk about the future? 1
  1. To talk about the “future proche”
  2. To talk about an arrangement
  3. To indicate a prediction that is almost certain
  1. Complete the lyrics: 3
  1. When the sun shines, we’ll shine together
  2. Told you I’ll be here forever
  3. Said I’ll always be your friend
  1. Why does Rihanna use “will” instead of going to? 1


Be going to + verb (Mockingbird)

  1. Why do we use “be going to + verb” to talk about the future? 1
  1. To talk about a plan + action
  2. To talk about a future with a connection to the present
  3. When we’re making a decision at the moment of speaking
  1. Complete the lyrics: 2
  1. Now hush, little baby, don't you cry, everything's

gonna be alright

  1. It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby, but I promise

Mama’s gon’ be alright

  1. Why does Eminem use “be going to” instead of “will”? 1

Future proche/connection with present/ lack of certitude

Past continuous (Thunder)

  1. Why do we use past continuous? 1

To “oppose” an event en cours de déroulement in the past with a past simple event

  1. About the lyrics: 1.5
  • I was uptight, wanna let loose, I was dreaming of bigger things…

Why does the singer say, “I was dreaming of bigger things” and not “I dreamed of bigger things”?

En train de se dérouler

Modals of obligation & probability

  1. Using a modal verb, make this sentence more sure (plus sûr): 1.5
  1. They could be at home.

They must/will be at home

  1. Using a modal verb, make this sentence into advice: 1.5
  1. You must follow the guidelines.

You should follow the guidelines.

  1. Negate this sentence: 1.5
  1. It must be true.

It can’t be true.

Past perfect

  1. How do we form the past perfect? 1

Had + past participle

  1. Why do we use the past perfect? 1
  1. To express a single completed past action.
  2. To talk a past event or situation that has a connection to the present.
  3. To talk about an action that took place before another past action.

  1. Using the past perfect, describe something about yourself in two sentences or less. 2




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