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The Crucible By Arthur Miller

Note de Recherches : The Crucible By Arthur Miller. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Février 2014  •  490 Mots (2 Pages)  •  934 Vues

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Arthur Miller didn’t choose the title of his play, The Crucible, by accident. Indeed, the various meanings of the term “crucible” can be seen as a metaphor for American society.

First of all, we can say that the first meaning of “crucible” is “a metal container in which metals or other substances may be melted or subjected to very high temperatures”. This metaphor appears in the play throughout Salem. Indeed, Salem, where the play takes place, can represent this container because it allows the meeting between different characters. The first act is a good example because we can meet different types of characters : men and women, children and adults, different social classes (Tituba is a slave and Hale symbolizes power). We can talk about a sort of “melting pot” where we have a representative sample of American society.

In addition, we can say that the substances of a crucible change because of high temperatures and that is what happens to our characters. The Salem inhabitants are submitted to high temperatures because of hysteria (due the importance of religion) which reigns in Salem. We can see this in the first act when Tituba is accused by Hale. Even if Hale tries to reassure her, Tituba knows that she has to lie if she wants to survive. Tituba is motivated by fear and choose to confess to survive. This metaphor symbolizes a criticism about the American society because it shows that you have to be part of a group to live, even if you have to lie. The fact of living in a society brings tensions. Even if the play shows that tensions can bring dramatic events it’s not a perfect reflection of American society because tensions can be contained.

Furthermore, a crucible is also “a severe test as of patience or belief”. The characters of Arthur Miller’s play show their true faces. For example, John Proctor at the end of Act 4 is confronted to his beliefs. He paid the price because he chose to stay the same and not to act like the society wanted him to do. The meaning of a crucible is thus a metaphor for American society because it shows the struggle between the organization of society (with some rules) and the individual freedom.

Finally, a crucible is “a situation in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new”. The courtroom scene, when inhabitants of Salem are accused of witchcraft, is a central plot in The Crucible. This image of the courtroom can represent the interaction that exists between American inhabitants about some themes. American society is a group where everybody can interact with each other. This interaction permits American progress, improvements. Yesterday’s society is not today’s one.

To conclude, we can say that the title of the play suggests more a criticism of the American society than a perfect society or an objective look which shows all the aspects of this society.


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