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The alienation of characters from their culture or society - Death of Salesman, Arthur Miller

Commentaire de texte : The alienation of characters from their culture or society - Death of Salesman, Arthur Miller. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Mars 2017  •  Commentaire de texte  •  1 135 Mots (5 Pages)  •  1 887 Vues

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Writers often use a character who is alienated from his or her culture or society in order to explore cultural or social values. Examine this idea with reference to at least 2 works studied

        I am going to explore the alienation of characters from their culture or society in the texts Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller and Antigone by Jean Anouilh.

        Firstly, Anouilh clearly alienates Antigone from her culture and society as she is forbidden to have a proper burial for her brother, Polynices, who was a disgrace to his family, but she still feels obliged to have the burial. She is forbidden to bury her brother because he betrayed the family when he fought with his brother to be king and as well tried to kill his father to take the crown. In Greek times, they had to leave Polynices’ body outside the city gates, because if he was inside the city gates and just left without a proper burial, then the Gods would be upset and could lead to the city being cursed. Therefore, Polynices was left outside the city gates and Eteocles had a proper burial to fit the typical one brother is the hero and one is the villain scenario. If both had a proper burial after the constant trouble they caused, the whole nation may feel they can do as they please and never be punished. It would also spoil the family name. Antigone was totally against this tradition and believed her brother could not rest peacefully until he was buried properly. Anouilh, thus, suggests that Antigone does not accept who she is culturally and lacks the culture belief there of. She would rather look bad in her society from taking illegal action than have an eternally unrested brother; she would rather show her determination and die trying. Miller similarly alienates Willy from his society. Although, he tried to fit in and act as if he was fulfilling the American Dream, he was really only lying to himself and the people around him. He believed he was a “well-liked” salesman. He also on many occasions tried to make his family think he was the “best” salesman and would initially lie about how much money he made. In technical terms, he was alienated from his society, which was “pursuing the American Dream” as he was never close to being part of it. This explored his lack of ‘good’ social values as he basically lived a life of lies. While Anouilh also alienated Antigone from her society she did contain ‘good’ social values as she was concerned about the well being of others, not just her own.

        Anouilh alienates Antigone from her society as well when she is given the chance to pretend she never attempted to bury her brother. Anouilh uses Creon to influence this decision as he tried to persuade Antigone to go home and he will tell the guards to keep quiet about her forbidden attempt to bury her brother. This alienates her from society in two ways. Creon, at first, thought she believed she would not have to die since they are related, but Antigone having strong social values did not believe she should be treated different than anyone else or be allowed to defy the law, while most people of a royal family will think they can get away with anything. In addition, she is given the chance to escape, but does not, because she believes other people’s cultural and social values are at fault for thinking it is right to let a body rot just to keep the whole kingdom content and stable. Miller, as well, shows Willy separating himself from society when he turns down a way out of his difficulties. Willy struggles to make ends meet for his family as they never have enough money each month to pay the bills sufficiently. His good friend, Charley, constantly tries to help Willy out by offering him a better job. Miller suggests Willy’s social values are too strong in the sense that he does not want anyone to pity him or have to be dependent on someone else. Although, it seems Willy really has too much pride.


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