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Notion Mythes Et Héroes Anglais

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Par   •  15 Mars 2015  •  595 Mots (3 Pages)  •  5 935 Vues

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Notion 1

Myth and Heroes

I am going to talk about the notion myth and heroes. First of all I would like to give a quick definition of that notion. A myth is a legend, that is to say a story which can be true or false and they can be ancient or more recent. A hero can be real or not. It’s a model that people admire. A hero is courageous, intelligent, beautiful, powerful, strong... Everybody can be a hero: by saving somebody, fireman and soldiers are often considered as heroes. Sometimes, it can be more personal, your hero can be someone from your family. I am going to illustrate this notion with people who have shaped our world in several fields such as Henry Ford, Steve Jobs and Estée Lauder.

Now, I am going to talk about Henry Ford a myth of industry. He was so famous for the business that he created. His work inspired a lot of other companies. He did not go long to school so he succeeded by himself. Henry Ford was very rich, he was a very good businessman because he created own assembly line and he decided to create only one car “Tin Lizzies”, it was a big success.

He imagined a system of employment are in which employees were well paid, many people wanted to work for Ford, they put part in the profits made by Ford, eventually, they could buy a car but not everyone could work for Ford. For example, if you were nor married you could not work for Ford.

I think, his values were not that good because the employees were not free to do what they wanted. Without him the assembly line would not exist and Ford wouldn't be a such a famous company.

Secondly, I am going to talk about Steve Jobs a legend of computer science. He co-founded Apple and he invented computers, tablets, smartphones.. His inventions changed our lives, with a phone you can take good pictures. There is also the possibility to talk to the phone in order to know the weatherand to write a message. He is an example for many people, he is admired by the best such as Bill Gates. He was also a courageous man because he had a cancer. The inventions of Steve Jobs are very good but they are very expensive, it's not very resistant and the battery-life is short.

In conclusion, Steve Jobs revolutionized the digital world but his creations are not accessible for everyone.

Then, I am going to talk about Estée Lauder in the field of cosmetic's business. Estée Lauder offered new product to her clients. It was an innovation because the free samples did not exist before. With this method a client can test it, see if she or he likes it or not, and then people buy it or want to buy it. She was also a pioneer and inspired a lot of people by this method.

As a conclusion, the inventions of Estée Lauder will always stay in memories because all companies of cosmetics use the free samples.

In conclusion, I would say that all these people have a lot of common points, they became famous because they all have an influence on our everyday life ; it can be because of their ideas, their fights, their inventions, their influence.. Without them, our lives would be probably different. So, they can be considered as heroes.

For me, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs and Estée Lauder will stay symbols of industry's innovations. They are definitely heroes, but they're not saints.


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