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Synthèse en anglais sur la notion Mythe et héros: comment les héros du mythe peuvent-ils influencer la carrière des gens?

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Par   •  19 Mars 2015  •  700 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 682 Vues

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Synthèse Anglais n° 1 :

I'll tell you about the notion of myth and hero for that I will define you both cléfs words about it: Myth and hero.

A myth is a story that wants explanatory and especially the founder of a social practice. It is worn originally by oral tradition, which offers an explanation for some of the fundamental aspects of the world and society that shaped the world. A hero is a real or fictional person in history is exmplaire and courageous character who conducts heroic actions to defend his company.

As a problem of this concept I decided tied directly influenced by myths and heroes in the world or my next problem: how can myth heroes and influences people's careers?

Doc 1 :

The first document is a cartoon drawn by Jeff Parker on November 1, 2006 and ppublié Florida in the journal '' Florida Today '

This cartoon deals with the subject of the story of fathers pelrins and their impact on the US imigration. These were persecuted in England and decided to come to the United States. This document is a cartoon depicting the arrival of the pilgrim fathers Playmouth Rock the USA under the eyes of the Indian building a wall to keep them from landing on their land. The author tries ironically to the links of the arrival of pilgrims fathers and the situation of the current imigration the United States with their build walls to stop the Mexican imigration South America.

This document is directly linked with our concept because it shows the myth of the arrival of the pilgrim fathers, the main founders of the United States in America, this story is known to all in the US.

Doc 2

Document 2 is a cartoon Rockwell, an American artist famous Thanksgiving holiday published in 1943 and titled "Freed from want. '' Through this cartoon we can notice a welcoming atomsphere, it is a moment around a table with the traditional turkey. the fathers and Indian pilgrims learn to know around a table packed food.

This idealized vision of Thanksgiving as the Indians will be exterminated by the pilgrim fathers to conquer their territory.

This document is therefore linked initially with the document 1 because it is the first meeting between the Pilgrims and Indians fathers. And secondly, the document is related to our notion that myth because Thanksgiving is once again known to all US and is one of the most important American holidays that is still perpetuated by the US in this meal with a turkey symbolizes the celebration.

Doc 3 :

Document 3 is a cartoon drawn by the famous cartonnist Cam Cardow November 21, 2011. This cartoon has about the new face of the United States in the world, because before the United States was a very attractive region through American dream, it 'ie quickly succeed in the US without spending much money. Contrary to this ancient myth we see a fat man, who is sitting, he wears a t-shirt with which he is registered "American Dream." He is sitting next to a woman who seems normal. The scene that unfolds in the weeding


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