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BTS Tou Ang N°3

Dissertation : BTS Tou Ang N°3. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Septembre 2019  •  Dissertation  •  753 Mots (4 Pages)  •  316 Vues

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1.  Vous présentez le circuit en autocar Auckland-Christchurch.

So, I will present the 15 days bus tour that we currently propose. The journey goes from Auckland to Christchurch crossing the whole country from North to South, visiting the best cultural attractions, natural wonders and essential cities. After landing, the first day will be dedicated to visiting Auckland followed by two days in Rotorua, sightseeing the volcanos, the region amazing landscape, with its caves and hot springs and meeting the national bird, the kiwi. There you will have the option of staying at a farm for the night.

On the fourth day, you will be travelling toward Wellington, the capital, with a stop at the Huka Falls in the thermal valley of Wairakei.

On the morning of the 5th day we will cross by ferry the Cook Detroit toward the South Island and Picton, you will spend the night there and the next day and we will visit the coast toward Christchurch where you will spend the night.

On the 7th day, you will be taking the Tranzalpin Express train toward Greymouth, to see the New-Zeland Alps. Then you will be heading toward the city of Franz Joseph by bus where you will spend the night.

The following day you will be sightseeing around the lake Hawea and Wanaka before going to Queenstown on the Wakapitu Lake, in the middle of the Kiwi mountains. After checking in you will be offered several choices of restaurant in some of the best spots in the city.

The 9th day will be free for you to enjoy Queenstown has you like, you will be given some options though and various activities will be proposed.

On the following day you will be taking the road in the South of Lake Wakapitu toward Te Anau, there will be a stop to see the fauna then the journey will continue toward Milford Sound where a boat will wait to take you to the fjords for some sightseeing before coming back to Te Anau for the night.

On the 11th you will cross the Otago region, known for its sheep, toward the very Scottish town of Dunedin.

Next day, you will visit Olveston house and the Moeraki beach on the Pacific coast, before going toward the McKenzie mountains, your hôtel will be in Twizel.

The 13th day will be organised an excursion to Mount Cook, you will see the beautiful Tekapo lake before going toward Christchurch to spend the night before leaving the following day.

2.  Vous spécifiez les prix par personne, ce qui est inclus, ce qui n’est pas inclus.

The price is 2100e per person and includes airport transfers, the accommodations, bus transports, the ferry cross in the Cook Detroit, the TranzAlpin train ticket from Christchurch to Greymouth, the visit of Waitomo caves, the sheep show at Rotorua, the entry for Rainbow Spring and the Whakarewarewa hot springs, the boat tour on Milfor Sound, and the visit of Olveston House, plus two dinners.

Aren’t included the flights, the other dinners, the personals expenses and insurances.

3.   Vous donnez des conseils concernant le meilleur moment pour voyager, le passeport, le climat,


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