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Job interview sample

Dissertation : Job interview sample. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  3 Janvier 2019  •  Dissertation  •  1 394 Mots (6 Pages)  •  520 Vues

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*Firas is on his way to the interview of the job he wanted "technician of radiology", he's a bit stressed and nervous but he's confident he can succeed. He knew he prepared well: he dressed smartly and tidy, he practiced for days and think he totally deserve the position*


Good morning!


Thank you for coming as fast as you could to see us for your interview today, Firas. How are you, did you have any trouble finding us?


I'm fine, thank you Mr. Grouz. The information I found in your website made it really easy to get here. It’s nice to meet you.

(shaking hands)


You too, Firas. Please have a seat. Ok, I’ll be asking you some questions to find out more about your potential for the role, does that sound ok?


Yes, that sounds fine thank you.


Let’s get started then. So, first things first, what made you apply for this position?


When I applied for this role, I saw that my background matched almost perfectly to the requirements, and that it relates quite strongly to the internship I completed and my formation, so I can see myself really fitting in here.


Uh-huh and how did you hear about this job opening and why did you leave your last job?


I saw it in an add while searching for a new job and I was impressed when I found out about your community involvement. I also liked your approach to patient care and your mission stood out above a lot of the other companies I researched and worked in. I didn't find that in my last job.


I appreciate that thank you. So, can you tell me more about yourself?


Of course. I am about to complete my degree in Radiology Studies. I've been able to build relevant experience and I seized every opportunity to get involved in activities that were interesting to me while at the same time improving myself.

I also took on some positions of responsibility, such as leading a team for a project and found I had quite strong leadership skills.


Thank you, Firas. It's good to hear that you're really interested in the job. Can you please tell me a bit more about what attracts you to working here and what you think you can bring to the role?


Actually, what attracts me to this job is the close relationship between the patient and the doctor and the teamwork. In terms of what I could bring to the role, I'm confident that I've got the required knowledge, skills and experience I gained through my internship which I could apply immediately in the role such as handling pressure and difficult cases.


Thank you, Firas. In terms of the knowledge we require, we expect employees to be familiar with high technology equipment and materials. What can you tell me about your use of these?


I am well versed in operating all equipment of various brands and I have a good experience with each one thanks to the different internships I did.


That sounds good, thank you. Excellent knowledge of these is essential for this role. Now can you tell me about your strengths and weaknesses?


Well yes, sometimes I can be too critical of myself. I often feel I could have done more, even if objectively, I’ve done well. Earlier in my career, this led to burnout and negative self-talk. So, I'm working on that and not only has this helped my own self-esteem, it’s helped me genuinely appreciate and recognize my team. As for my strengths I'd say I’m very collaborative and have always preferred to work in groups. In the project teams I’ve directed, people are motivated so we can achieve nice things.


I see, thank you for your honesty. Let's jump into another subject. Your career goals. Firas, what kind of job position do you see yourself holding five years from now?


Hmm… Eventually, I would like to work as a radiology director – once I have enough experience in supervising technical and clerical staff within a medical imaging environment, I guess.


That's promising. That would require perseverance and hard-work so how would you describe yourself as a person?




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