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Interview steve Jobs

Cours : Interview steve Jobs. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  17 Janvier 2019  •  Cours  •  302 Mots (2 Pages)  •  376 Vues

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Interview avec Steve Jobs

Journaliste : Hello Steve Jobs ! So i'd like to ask you a few questions is that possible ?

Steve : Hi ! Yes sure !

Journaliste : Ok, so let's begin by the begining, did you create the Mac alone or did someone help you ?

Steve : i didn't create the Mac alone, one of my friend, steve Alvoskis, Was with me and we created it together in my garage.

Journaliste : ho and a question turn in my head since a lot, why did you name your brand « Apple » ? Were you hungry when you found it ? ( dire ça sur un ton drole)

Steve : humm if my memorie are still there it was because one day we was eating an apple one of us let it fall on the shell and we found it really funny to use it as a logo so we choose it.

Journaliste : okay thank's for this really funny fact. Now, what was your reaction when see that what you made became really famous ? I mean, what was your fellings ?

Steve : ho that's a good question, i was really surprise and very happy too, i mean who would thonk a thing that i have made in my garage would became famous ? You know what i mean ?

Journaliste : yeah i understand. Last question, did your parents supported you since the bigining or there were more on the reserve ?

Steve : My parents always been supportive with my idea, i don't think that they will know it will come so far, but they were always behind me to push me up.

Journaliste : ok then thank you for answering my questions and i wish you the best for the future.

Steve : your welcolm and thank you i hope so.


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