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Essay 1 Sherlock Holmes

Dissertation : Essay 1 Sherlock Holmes. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Octobre 2017  •  Dissertation  •  396 Mots (2 Pages)  •  817 Vues

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Stanislas Veilleux Essay 1 Sherlock Holmes

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the original Sherlock Holmes stories. Since he wrote these stories, a lot of newer versions of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes have been wrote. Some take the original stories and adapt them with modern technologies. Some create new investigations. This text is going to describe the principal differences between two versions of a Sherlock Holmes stories. The first one, is the original novel by Conan Doyle called ‘’the speckled band’’ the second version is the modern film starring Robert Downey Junior. The two aspect I’m going to compare in this text are the principal differences and the similarities between these two versions.

First, the similarities. Both in the movie and in the novel, Sherlock live in 221B Backer Street. In the movie and in the book, Sherlock Holmes is a well-known detective he is well known for resolving mysterious cases of murder, kidnapping, stealing and lot more. In both the old book and the modern film, Holmes is assisted by his loyal assistant, Doctor Watson. With his help, and the use of his powerful deduction power, the two companions solves mysteries. In both versions, he is extremely deductive. He always finds every single clues, as small as they are.

Second, the differences. In the original book, Sherlock is a well-dressed English man. He is wearing a tailor, impeccable. He is the representation of a model English man. But in the movie, one of the first time you see Sherlock, he is dressed like a hobo. He looks miserable. The representation of the house Holmes lives in is very different. In the movie, Sherlock lives in a ‘’studio’’ its complete darkness. In the movie, it’s also the place Sherlock tries all sorts of inventions but in the book, Sherlock lives in a well-lighted room and there is never mention of inventions.

In conclusion, there are some similarities and some differences between both the modern movie and the old novel. All the differences allow us to enjoy the different versions of a stories with a similar character. So, what version do you prefer? The old or the new one?


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