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Microwaves Essay

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Par   •  3 Novembre 2012  •  405 Mots (2 Pages)  •  921 Vues

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Are microwave ovens beneficial to society ?

The definition of microwave ovens is “an oven in which food is cooked by the heat produced by the absorption of microwave energy by water molecules in the food”. Dr Percy Spencer invented the first microwave in 1947 due to the development of radar technologies during the second world war. Some people think microwave ovens are bad, but I think they have good advantages.

The first advantage is that microwaves are very convenient. Microwave technology allows people to heat food very quickly. When you don’t have time, you can heat something rapidly instead of ordering a pizza. In fact, when you don’t have a microwave, if you come back home at 8:30 PM and you don’t want to cook at this time, you must order something; consequently spend money for fast food. If you have a microwave you can just open your fridge and take the leftovers of yesterday and put them in your microwave. Therefore, you can eat good food without spending so much money, even if it’s 8:30 PM. Microwaves are very convenient, and they are also economical.

Microwaves are economical because they help you save money. For example, you don't need to throw away leftovers; you can just save them for later in the fridge, and warm them up when you need them. In addition, when you invite some friends for dinner and they don't finish all your mashed potatoes and beef, you can save it! You just have to store it in your fridge and serve it again the next day for dinner, or even in your children's lunch box!

Microwaves are practical and they can be healthy too. If you don't have a lot of time to cook and you have become accustomed to eating fast food, noodles and rice, you can change you eating habits with a microwave. In fact, you can steam food such as vegetables easily with a microwave. You put your vegetables in a dish with a little water, cover, and cook for few minutes. This is easy and practical because you don’t need pots to cook. You have less to wash. As a result you can eat food like real vegetables, instead of eating sandwiches all the time!

To conclude, microwaves are really convenient, economical and healthy. I recommend that everyone buy one. It can change your life if you are busy but you want to eat good, healthy food.


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