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BTS blanc anglais

Dissertation : BTS blanc anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Mars 2020  •  Dissertation  •  776 Mots (4 Pages)  •  428 Vues

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Devoir d’anglais

Compte rendu :

Ce document extrait d’ABC News, datant du 20 mars 2020 explique pourquoi l’industrie alimentaire réclament le calme face à la crise du coronavirus.

Malgré les rayons vide et des consommateurs effrayés, l’industrie alimentaire assure qu’ils peuvent rester ouvert, sure et réapprovisionné, soulignant que la chaine d’approvisionnement est fluide.

En effet, depuis le début de la crise la demande en biens de première nécessité a fortement augmenté. Le papier toilette a vu ses ventes augmentées de 212%, le thon de 142% ainsi que le riz dont les ventes ont augmenté de 166%. Mais les commerçants rassurent en assurant que c’est un problème de demande, pas de production.

Face à cette pandémie, l’industrie alimentaire a pris des mesures. Par exemple, un représentant de Wegmans explique comment les mesures de sécurité et de propreté sont appliqués. Les employés se lavent les mains régulièrement, respectent les distances de sécurités, et tout autres règlent ordonnés par le centre américain de contrôle et de prévention de la maladie.

Enfin, d’après le gouvernement ainsi que des représentants, les magasins alimentaires n’envisagent pas de fermer leur porte et assure pouvoir prévenir aux besoins de tous.

170 mots

Questions :

In the last 2 months now, the world is upset by a pandemic, Covid-19. This disease has shifted our behavior, especially since the beginning of the lockdown. We must reduce our outings and limit our purchases in grocery stores to stop the spread of the virus.

Since the implementation of these measures, I try to reduce my outings to once a week maximum. To accomplished this, I have to go to the grocery store to buy some food and some household goods such as pasta or rice. But personally, I prefer convenience stores, which are always smaller and where contacts are limited. As this the risk of contracting the disease is reduced and we saved time by avoiding the queues in front of large supermarkets. Moreover, the shelves in large supermarket are usually empty, while they are still full in organic or local supermarket.

I think that the the shift in consumer behaviour during the lockdown will have a huge impact on me in the future. In fact, because of the lockdown we realise that we don’t need to go every single day to the grocery shop, we easily can stand a few without going buying new articles. He makes me realise that we were all overconsuming before the pandemic and that we were spending too much money in supermarkets. Moreover, the behaviour of some people who bought for example 20kg of pasta or who stood in line for several hours before they could shop has proven that because of fear people are becoming unconscious and selfish. In the future I think that I will reduce my frequency of purchases in supermarket and favor French and local products.

Finally, these crises will have a huge impact on brands in the future. In fact because of it, a lot of companies realized that they were very dependent of China industries and that without it they were not able to provide enough goods for the whole population, such as Apple which is not able to provide phones to the consumers and was forced to close the apple store before the lockdown. I think that in the future, brands will try to relocate production unit in order to face the demand in case of crises. So, because of this, I think that local industries and Europeans factory will restart their activities and will produce way more that they used to. And this will boost the economy and reduce unemployment.


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