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Étude de documents sur le consommateur (document en anglais)

Analyse sectorielle : Étude de documents sur le consommateur (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Février 2015  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  286 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 677 Vues

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Group 1



Paragraph 1 :

The customers used to find all products in Wall-Mart , Margaret Hancock is disappointed because the shelves are empty especially the cosmetics section .

Paragraph 2 :

Consequently , customers flee Wal-Mart to shop elsewhere = they consume in other chains because / since Wal-Mart does not have enough staff to restock the shelves .Paradoxically ,at the same time Wal-Mart has increased the number of its stores and decreased its workforce / the number of its employees .

Paragraph 3 :

Shopping at Wal-Mart is not as nice as it used to be and therefore /so this dwindling level of customer service is very bad for the reputation of the chain .

Paragraph 4 :

The situation is getting worse for example / for instance the queues at the cash-registers are getting longer and as a result the sales growth is slowing down.

Paragraph 5 :

When customers were less demanding this bad level of customer service was ok, it is not the case anymore even if / although Wal-Mart is still offering the cheapest / lowest prices.

The solution is to increase wages and benefits .


1 Customers used to go to Wal-Mart to find everything they wanted so they are disappointed because the shelves are empty

2 To the retailers Target, Costco ( Wal-Mart’s rivals )

3 There is nobody to answer the claims of the customers ,all the cash-registers are not up and running so people have to wait too long .

4 the workforce is dwindling /decreasing

5 Because nowadays customers have more choices and there are more demanding

6 They may have to increase the wages


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