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Étude du roman Frankenstein de Mary Shelley (document en anglais)

Dissertation : Étude du roman Frankenstein de Mary Shelley (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Avril 2012  •  478 Mots (2 Pages)  •  2 748 Vues

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. Frankenstein is a gothic typical novel ( considered as precursor of science fiction)published in 1818 by the young british Mary Shelley , Daughter of the feminist writer Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin a philosopher, she grew up in a anarchy literary, and received an excellent cultural education, knowing French, Greek and Latin. In 1814 she fled the family home with the poet and widower : Percy Shelley Bisshe with who she will be married at the age of sixteen. She frequent with him Lord Byron and travel in Switzerland and Italy. It was during an Italian night in 1818 that she wrote "Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus' ,that comes from a nightmare made after have taken a large dose of opium, which she had a vision of "the pale student looked at the thing he had animated." Shelley ended her story in spring 1817. She published anonymously the book the following year.

Themes of the story : the shadow & light - orphans - loneliness - love and friendship - eloquence - education - the injustice - the innocence - the monstrosity - Science and consciousness - the appearance and prejudice - the Status of Wome -Otherness, Violence, Creation and responsibility, Rights, Paternity and education, Dangers of progress -science/knowledge - love/ hate - evil/well - living/ -Intention/achievement - Crime/Punishment - Human/soulless - universalism/Communitarianismn - landscapes and moods - the risks of progress. Science / Ethics - Humanism / rationality -

Creator / creature - Indoor / Outdoor (to be / sound) - Life / Death - Essence /Contingency

(be / become) Intention / Achievement - innate / acquired - agonist / antagonist - Self-awareness/wishes expressed

Robert Walton, on his trip to the North Pole, meets Victor Frankenstein whom he saves the life. He tells him the unhappy story of his life: that he was a student living in Geneva who had discovered the secret about how of giving life. Victor creates a very ugly creature, so ugly that when the "Monster" came to life, Frankenstein fled . But the "monster" pursues him, killing his family, especially after Victor's refusal to make him a companion. Frankenstein decided to remove the monster himself. The latter leads it to the North Pole where Frankenstein wanders and eventually dies. The "monster" at the death of its creator, remorseful, then decided to end his own life. At the end of the novel, Walton attends to the disappearance of the "monster" in the fog.

If Frankenstein has lost its force, the message is still relevant: transplants, cloning, artificial limbs ... science advances and there is always the false morality which requires laboratories to stop human cloning cell stage. If Victor Frankenstein lies beneath the cold waters of the pole, his ambitious spirit is still there ...

« Science without conscience is but the ruin of the soul » said Rabelais


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