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Vidéo En Anglais: sur le bannisement de certains bars.

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Par   •  5 Novembre 2014  •  243 Mots (1 Pages)  •  1 063 Vues

Should « Vaping bars » be banned?

The video deals with the buzz of e-commerce about vaping bars and e-cigarrette in UK.

This is a report from the BBC canal, a journalist, a professor and a doctor speak.

Cigarette was buzz in the world. People use cigarette to uwind and to spend time.

A new phenomen was born: the vaping bars.

The concept is to smoke an electronic cigarrette in a suitable place, an alternative to the classic cigarrette.

Ten years ago, the e-cigaret didn’t exist; today it’s a global business, the number of e-cigarette users in UK has tripled compared to two years ago. Nicotine of e-cigarette pause a minimal risk to people.

The electronic cigarette market is 1,8 billion pounds per year ; it is a very global buzz.

World health organisation an British medical association want to bann e-cigarret from public places

Nicotine e-cigarette pause a minimal risk, the vaping too ; there are the arguments of people who smoke.

Persons are divided on this subject ; a half think that the e-cigarette should be normalized, the others think that e-cigarette and all type of stupefiants are just dangerous for the health.

We can open a debate on the following issues :

- According to the news, if state set up a law that does not allow smoking electronic cigarette in public places, would that have an impact on business and economie ?

- Should electronic cigarette be banned on vapping bars about the accident that has provocated relative the consumed fume ?



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