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Analyse comparative de certains aspects linguistiques et sociolinguistiques de l'anglais et du Wolof (document en anglais)

Mémoires Gratuits : Analyse comparative de certains aspects linguistiques et sociolinguistiques de l'anglais et du Wolof (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Mars 2013  •  13 447 Mots (54 Pages)  •  1 643 Vues

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English, which is now widely spoken on six continents, is in today’s academic world, and particularly in Second/foreign language teaching, attracting more and more the interest of language learners. Thus, the improvement of teaching English as a foreign language to African University student is a major concern. One of the reasons is the fact that most of the individual languages of Africa belong to other families different from Indo-European language family in which English indwells. This paper by means of description and analysis seeks to explore the different theories of First Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning, but also the differences and similarities in phonology and pragmatics between English and Wolof (a Senegalese language) through a comparative analysis. The contrastive phonological and politeness forms of Wolof-English presented in this paper are based on the standard Senegalese Wolof of West-Africa. It is intended to be a theoretical and practical study and analysis of help to English/Wolof-speaking students who are learning and studying Wolof/English.

Keywords: First Language Acquisition, Second Language Learning, Contrastive Analysis, Phonology, Politeness, English, Wolof.

Elhadji Omar Ndiaye 2010


Thanks and praises to the almighty who gave us the strength , patience and perseverance to fulfill this project.

To the English department’s staff I owe a profound gratitude.

I offer the depth of my gratefulness to the work’s supervisor Mr.Turki who kindly did not stop giving me tips and instructions until the end. I owe him a tremendous respect to the rigor he stands for.

I give thanks and acknowledge all the teachers who were patient and tolerant with me during the realization of the project; Mr.Sigheni whose Pragmatic lecture provided me with lots of information.

I thank all my friends , classmates and anyone who contributed in doing this research whether by word, advice or encouragement. Within this context I would like to thank the one who gave me the idea and even books concerning this paper’s issue.


Elhadji Omar Ndiaye 2010


Serigne Touba Khadimou Rassoul

Mame Cheikh Ibra Fall

I dedicate this disquisition which terminated by the assistance of God to my parents who perpetually support me.

I also give it over to my brothers, and friends: Moustapha , Mory, Bachir, Ahmadou Baba; to name but a few.

To Serigne Mbacké Gueye.

To every teacher who gave me any piece of advice as guidance throughout the research especially my tutor Mr.Turki who has been so patient throughout these years and whose help was too precious for me.

To my classmates and to all my promotion colleagues.

To any known and dear person.

Elhadji Omar Ndiaye 2010

Table of Content

Abstract …………………………………………..............................................I




I. Comparison of First Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning………………………………………………..…….…………...…..3

A- The Chomskyan view.

 First Language Acquisition………………………….....…………..6

a. Innateness…………………………………………………………….8

b. Creativity……………………………………………………………10

c. Universality…………………………………………………….…...12

 Second Language Learning……………………………..…………14  A Comparison between FLA and SLL……………………...…….19

II. The Role of Contrastive Analysis in Foreign Language Teaching: -A Case Study of English and Wolof………….…………………………………………………………..….27

1. Contrasting Linguistic Aspects………………………………...……….28

1.2. The Phonological Comparison of English and Wolof…………….29

Elhadji Omar Ndiaye 2010

1.3. A comparative vowel analysis……………………………………30

1.4. Short and long English-Wolof vowels…………………………..30

1.5. Wolof-English diphthongs and triphthongs…………………..34

2. A Comparative Consonant analysis…………………………………….37

Basic consonant phonemes in standardized English-Wolof……..…………38

1. Plosives………………………………………………….…………………41

2. Affricates………………………….………………………………………45

3. Fricatives………………………………………..………………………...45

4. Nasals ……………………………………………………………………46

5. Lateral ……………………………………………………………………46

6. Approximants……………………………………………………….……47


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