- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Relais Colis

Recherche de Documents : Relais Colis. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Juin 2014  •  281 Mots (2 Pages)  •  793 Vues

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Nominated Key Account Manager at Relais colis who will act as the main entry point and a nominated customer service person in Relais Colis Key account management.

Directly sponsored internally by Relais Colis General Manager + dedicated project manager

After the implementation phase finished, we propose the following KAM process to manage and improve the performance :

Day to day (managed by key account desk)

Proactive management: missing parcel and non-delivered review and alert

Re active management: missed appoint and claim review to launch accurate corrective actions.

Weekly review (with KAD and KAM; phone conference)

KPI review of w-1

Action plan definition to fix potential problems

w-1 action plan review

Monthly review (with KAM and KAD)

KPI review and analysis

Claims review and analysis

Action plan review and priorisation

Discussion on process improvement

Quarterly Steering committee (KAM and Sponsor)

Review on the last 3 months

Customer satisfaction analysis

Discussion on process improvement and innovation

Deep dive into one topic

Nominated Key Account Manager at Relais colis who will act as the main entry point and a nominated customer service person in Relais Colis Key account management.

Directly sponsored internally by Relais Colis General Manager + dedicated project manager

After the implementation phase finished, we propose the following KAM process to manage and improve the performance :

Day to day (managed by key account desk)

Proactive management: missing parcel and non-delivered review and alert

Re active management: missed appoint and claim review to launch accurate corrective actions.

Weekly review (with KAD and KAM; phone conference)

KPI review of w-1

Action plan definition to fix potential problems

w-1 action plan review

Monthly review (with KAM and KAD)

KPI review and analysis

Claims review and analysis

Action plan review and priorisation

Discussion on process improvement

Quarterly Steering committee (KAM and Sponsor)

Review on the last 3 months

Customer satisfaction analysis

Discussion on process improvement and innovation

Deep dive into


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