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Oral Anglais - Devoir 2

Mémoire : Oral Anglais - Devoir 2. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Mai 2015  •  364 Mots (2 Pages)  •  842 Vues

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The journalist interview Mr Salom Singh about his origin and his company carabmark.

Mr Singh was born in a village outside Bangalore in 1960. His family is dalits. So when he was 4 years old his parents decide to immigrate to London.

After one year at London, his parents save enough money to open a family convenience store. His sister was born in London after opening the store. he was graduated from technical college in England in accounting and business management and his sister, Sapana, is a certified personal assistant.

After his studies, he decide to do his internship in a bank in Jamaica and met there his wife, Grida. Her parents have immigrated to in UK too. She graduated in sell and marketing for technical college.

Together, they decide to open an hypermarket in Caribbean and propose standardize and local product. They want too give easier access to the poor population. They build store with Caribbean style.

After, they opened new stores on other island : Nathol, Bermuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Miami, all with same design but products were adapted to the country.

They have too stores in Asia : Bombay, New Delhi, Hong Kong and Bangkok. her daughter, Rajia help them because she lives there but she was born in Jamaica. She got a BS to university of kingstore and studied at Bangalore for obtain degree in computer scientist. She has a business there.

For Mr Singh, create stores in countries create job, stimulate consumption. He promotes and finances building of school, technical colleges and healthcare system.

For him, the globalization can have a positive effect but also 2% of the population of the developing country reap the benefice but they have access healthcare, education, IT.

The problem of this globalization is the increase of pollution and proliferation of weapon, drug and dangerous website.

The globalization create problems to the develop country : companies shot down, relocation, unemployment, and so one... his advice to student, they must be flexible and work in team. To the worker, he advices to shift job or retraining if they don't find job.

At the end, he explains his next store will be in Africa where his son, Sergi, lives. He's doctor in hospital in Kampala, Uganda.


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