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Negotiation Skills

Mémoire : Negotiation Skills. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Juin 2014  •  439 Mots (2 Pages)  •  577 Vues

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Revision Negotiations Skills

Communication as a Negotiation Tool – Session 1

A basic communication it’s when a sender send a message to the receiver through a channel. This message is encoding and decoding. The receiver gives a feedback after he receives the message from the sender.

Communication can be distorted by Physical, Psychological (perceptual biases + emotions) and Semantic noises.

The 4 perceptual biases are:

• Stereotyping: judging

• Halo effect: generalize, based on attribute

• Selective perception: sticking to your earlier beliefs

• Projection: the person in front of you don’t feel like you, so if you want to tell hem a hard think (ex: work with someone else) you have to be direct and telling the truth => don’t try to think what he can feel

Miscommunication: (why do we need to communicate properly)

 Misunderstandings

 Unfortunate chain of consequences

 Increasingly in cross cultural environment

Negotiation is a dialogue where negotiators exchange information, they communicate

Communication = negotiation tool

(What do we communicate in a negotiation?)

Small talk, Offers, counteroffers, motives, underlying interests, Social accounts, Information about the process.

(How do we communicate in a negotiation?)

• Use of verbal communication

• Use of non-verbal communication

 Difficulty in nonverbal communication = judge the behavior which varies depending on culture, gender, social context…

 Communication is not only about what has been said but also how it has been said and how these messages have been perceived.

Communication channels

Same Place Different Place

Same Time Face-to-face Phone,

Video Conference

Different Time Single Text editing Email,

Voice mail

Social presence => allows observation of multiple cues => giving greater awareness of the situation => helping the negotiator adapt his behaviour to the situation => building rapport => building trust => increasing the success of win-win outcomes.

Social presence Vs. Social distance (=Psychological distance)

 Face-to-face: Socially interact =adapt your behaviour => create rapport =building relationship => Trust +cooperation => increases successful N° outcomes

Negotiators preference, provide a lot of cues, High social presence

 Phone/Videoconference:


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