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Le lecteur de musiques Itunes (document en anglais)

Compte Rendu : Le lecteur de musiques Itunes (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Avril 2014  •  427 Mots (2 Pages)  •  726 Vues

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I’m going to talk about Itunes

1. History

Itunes is a media player and media library application develloped by Apple Inc. . SoundJam MP, developed by Bill Kincaid and released by Casady & Greene in 1999, was renamed iTunes when Apple purchased it in 2000. Jeff Robbin, Kincaid, and Dave Heller moved to Apple as part of the acquisition, where they continue to work today as the software's original developers. They simplified SoundJam's user interface, added the ability to burn CDs, and removed its recording feature and skin support.On January 9, 2001, iTunes 1.0 was released at Macworld San Francisco.Macintosh users immediately began poking through iTunes' resource fork, where they discovered numerous strings and other resources that indicated iTunes was a re-engineered SoundJam MP. Casady & Greene ceased distribution of SoundJam MP on June 1, 2001 at the request of the developers.It is used to play,download and organize digital audio and videos on personal computers running to OSX operating system and the IOS based Ipod ,Iphone and Ipad devices with editions also released for Microsoft Windows. Itunes 11 is the most recent version of Itunes.It was released on november 29,2012,one month later than expected, because of a delay by Apple which said that it needed extra time to get things right.

2. What is Itunes /Has what his serves ?

Itunes is a multimedia library ( bookcase) and allows to make many things. He allows to listen to some music to see videos to listen to online radios. He also allows to connect to the online store Istore to buy some music,movies,software applications.He serves to tranfer of data in the peripherals of Apple as Ipod,Iphones and Ipad. ITunes allows to create lists of reading (playlists) and lists of intelligent readings and allows to listen to podcasts. The history of the versions of iTunes begins in 1998 and continues until our days. Initially conceived(designed) as a simple music reader, iTunes evolves in the time(weather) and develops to become an administrator of sophisticated multimedia contents, an administrator of synchronization with the material(equipment) and an e-commerce platform. On itunes, fifty billion of software applications were download. Itunes is the means to easiest to take advantage of movies,television series,music,apps and books that you already have and to buy those whom you want.

3. Remarks

According to a study of Nielsen dating 2007, Itunes occupies as software streaming,the 3rd place of the market with more than 27 million users,behind the reader Windows Media and Real Player 3. In 2012, Brazil will be the first country in South America to have a local version of the program


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