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Idea Of Progress ( étude d'un article anglais)

Dissertation : Idea Of Progress ( étude d'un article anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Novembre 2013  •  979 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 811 Vues

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- An article from the Time « For the Sake of Some Umbilical Cells, an Anemic Child Gains Two Sisters », June 17, 1991.

- An article from the Time “An Eary Tale”, November 6, 1995.

- YouTube video « The world according to Monsanto » from ARTE.

I’m going to talk about the notion of « Idea of progress ». The notion “Idea of progress” was involved in most of the historic moments such as the science, the literature and the art advances. But, contrary to his positive connotation, the progress for some can be a decline. In the European mentality, when we think of progress we think of Technique.

This theme raises the following question: Is the technique really a progress?

First we will learn that the technique can help people in need and improve their life condition. And to conclude we will see that the technique can be dangerous for the humanity.

During the year we studied different documents but I choose an article from Time magazine from “For the Sake of Same Umbilical Cells, an Anemic Child Gains Two Sisters”, published in June 17th, 1991 and another article from Time magazine “An Eary Tale” published in November 6th, 1995. For my personal document I choose a YouTube video “the world according to Monsanto” by Marie-Monique Robin.

This is an article from Time magazine “For the Sake of Some Umbilical cells, an Anemic Child Gains Two Sisters” published in June, 17th, 1991. An American family, whose been informed by the doctor that their new-born daughter was suffering from Fanconic anemia, which endangered her development and even her life, decide to conceive a baby as a donor, which proved very hard. They didn’t waste time searching a suitable donor. Natalie, the baby, could be cured before she was six years old, that’s why she has recovered.

An American family, Lea Ann and Brad Curry, gave birth to an anemic infant (which endangered her development and even her life). That’s why they had to find a suitable donor. Unfortunately nobody was suitable so, instead of wasting their time searching for bone-marrow donors outside they tried to have another baby to rescue Natalie, their first child. After a miscarriage, and an unsuitable baby Audrey, they finally succeeded and gave birth to Emily who saved her sister’s life. In my opinion “determined” and “courageous” are the adjectives which apply the couple. I think that it can be hard for Audrey and Emily to know that they are born just to save their sister but they also can be proud of themselves (even if Audrey was unsuitable). Their parents really wanted to save their daughter and did everything to rescue her. It can’t have been easy for them.

This is an article entitled “An eary tale”from Time magazine published in November 6th 1995. In the photo we can see a mouse with a human ear growing out of its back.

The word “eary” (created by the journalist) is a play on words with the word “eerie” which means “strange and frightening” and “ear”. Indeed the mouse has an ear growing out of its back. It’s strange and frightening. It’s an eary mouse. The immediate purpose is “to prove that the basic technology can work. In practice, humans would


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