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Oral Anglais : Idea Of Progress

Dissertations Gratuits : Oral Anglais : Idea Of Progress. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Avril 2015  •  439 Mots (2 Pages)  •  4 060 Vues

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m going to talk about the notion of the idea of progress . Progress is the action to go forward , to grow up , to be better . In our society , the progress is frequently associated to the "New tecnologies". Indeed throughout history tecnological progress has improved the living conditions of population but can we live without tecnologies now ?

In the first place , I will say that we need new tecnologies because the tecnological progress is a reflection of our need and our consumption . We invent tools to make life easier , to do things faster and better . In that way computer , internet , cell phones are essential because it allowed an mass exchange of ideas in the entire world . For example we can have a discussion with a friend thousand of miles away from our home . Besides , we can have access to any information at the touch of a buttom from almost any location . In addition we could mentionned the progress in the medical research , thanks to the improvement of the medical equipments . Indeed , the discovery of many useful drugs and vaccines has saved millions of lives . It's undeniable that new tecnologies helps to have some confort and a long life .

Nevertheless , progress creating another problem which is the assistanship and excessive consumption can lead to failure . The media regulator ffcom which made a study about the evolution of the media show that excessive consumption . Indeed the results has revealed a  society which is addictive to the social network and entertainements . Thus , British people spend one quarter of their waking time using the media . In fact there is a risk of losing social contact .

When there is a blackout people become aware of the importance of the social contact . They help each other and there is a good atmosphere . Moreover they take conscious that they buy more and more high-tech gadget to satisfy needs that are basically useless . Some community even rejected the progress as the Amish because of their religious beliefs . But it remains in the order of exception . Indeed they live in a church and they are isolate so it's not a solution .

As a conclusion , we can't live without tecnologies but we must pay attention to the way we use it. I mean everything today works with electricity so even if we would totally stop using any kind of media during our whole life , we couldn't do that because what we need to do depends to a media


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