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Healthy life

Discours : Healthy life. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Avril 2018  •  Discours  •  598 Mots (3 Pages)  •  416 Vues

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Public speaking speech:

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise (Benjamin Franklin). You are a person who has just like everyone dreams and maybe objectives, you maybe dream about traveling around the world, having a great family, or reaching a huge financial success. You’re ready to do anything to achieve your goals but suddenly you get sick, you stress out, you lose faith, you fall in depression, you all think now about how you could just return to your normal life. You don’t think anymore about those dreams. Well when I was younger, I lived each one of these situations and each time I learned how much health is important and that made it my biggest concern for the future, I wanted to get well and stay that way. When I talk about health, I talk about its five dimensions because they influence and interact with each other.

It’s true once we hear the word health we think about physical wellness. Physical health is the state of your physical body and how it is operating. But most people deny it since they have it, they don’t think about it until they become sick! It’s primordial to take care of our health. I know, it’s difficult to exercise every day, to sleep enough, to maintain a balanced diet, and so on. But it’s much less difficult than living sick. As Edward Stanley said:  Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.

 The good thing is that even if people generally don’t do things to keep their physical health they won’t do things that destroy it, nobody will eat something outdated but when it comes to mind, we accept eating poisoned thoughts everyday! And you know what happens when we eat them? We get sick (depressed, anxieted, overwhelmed). It’s sure this may not make us insane but definitely un-sane.  Mental health affects the way of thinking, the mood and the behavior.

But what leads our decisions and ideas is not just our mind but our soul too. That leads us to talk about spiritual health.  I don’t refer only  to religion but I also refer to meaning and purpose, having defined morals, values and ethics, and living according to them. And in order to develop and protect our spiritual health it’s important to meditate or pray, spend time in nature, develop a sense of gratitude…

These tips and others such as making time for hobbies and leisure, work also for emotional health. It’s true it is normal to have pleasant and unpleasant emotions dependently on the situation lived, but emotional wellness refers to resilience, to the capacity of identifying your emotions and understanding their value, reinforcing the good ones and perceiving the bad ones as a call for action. Actually, most issues we’re dealing with now are emotional ones, but we have a tendency to treat emotional problems with spiritual solutions which affect not only our emotional wellness but also our social one.

Social health has nothing to do with the functioning of your body, but how you interact and adapt in different situations, it includes also the understanding of consequences and benefits of different interactions in different settings.

To conclude, physical, mental, spiritual emotional and social health are deeply intertwined and have a profound effect on one another , on the person and on the society in general, as Joyce Mayer said “ I believe that the greatest gift you can give yourself, your family and the world is a healthy you”.


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