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Second Life

Note de Recherches : Second Life. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Avril 2013  •  285 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 131 Vues

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Man for centuries has been searching for that ever elusive land of perfection where harmony and freedom exist. Some call it Atlantis and others, Heaven. As intriguing as Thomas Moore's Utopia sounded, even that literary place was wished upon by those that occupy the third dimension. 

Fast forward many centuries later and even just a few years ... San Francisco based Linden Labs' Second Life comes into being .. in a virtual reality. 

I don't want to get ahead of myself but as I've always been a silent visionary I feel that now is not the time to with hold information. I am not too sure if the people of Linden Labs' have actually planned for their virtual world to have its own Ocean of Consciousness but it doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize that even in a virtual world, Our Greater Consciousness remains too have its influence.

Can people of different classes, races, educational level, religion and politics exist side by side without raging wars? Yes they can, and they do - in Second Life. If you hold a premium account and own/rent land your neighbours can easily be so different from you, you cannot imagine, and yet you still get along, building, or rather, creating a community where people are allowed to express freely and live independently of social norms and mores.

Imagine a world where you have no limits to what you can create and envision. Imagine a life where you hold complete control of your destiny and time. Imagine a place where you can be at peace, fly hither and fro and when you land on someone's head, knocking them off the grid, all you have to say is, "I'm sorry" and instantly, you've made a friend!


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