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Fiche Synthèse Media En Anglais

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Par   •  18 Avril 2014  •  557 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 295 Vues

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We know the legislative power, the judiciary, and I executive power. Today, there is the fourth there. It is about the power of the press. It is a powerful, sometimes dangerous power.  The goals of the media are informed us, gave us a political idea, creates a fun, but also mobilized group of political and social action has shocked us. What is the place and the different aspect of this power?

The job of journalist is very funny. This is the main actor of this power. They can censorship or Disclose details of a case. But he has a lot of homework as investigate, break something, cover an event alwais cherch a source, inform, reveal or Disclose the truth.

As a journalist, it can also exploit the public's tast for scandals, cover up a scandal, libel, intrude upon people's private lives.

I think a journalist often chooses what he wants, and after turning into a new version that Article draws readers' eyes, even though it may create a conflict.

Moreover, in England , there are two types of media. On one side , there Britsh newspapper , like "The Times" " The Guardian " and on the other side , the press sensation, the tabloids like "The Sun" "Daily Minor ." The main difference between these two types of newspapers is their issues, as well as the audience. "The Times" is a serious newspaper that informs mainly on British life , and reserve a small party to various facts. While "The Sun" is primarily the various facts, the private lives of celebrities . This is a press that turns the action to make it past various makes , so it is a newspaper hobbies, fun .

This power is dangerous because it influences public opinion . From the point of view of the journalist or editor , it can hush up or Investigate on the details, and how to write his article, all readers will be influenced by the opinion of the article. This is the power of the press . For example, when the meeting is entered in the World Heritage of UNESCO, all the newspapers are facing the beauty of the island , the heavenly beaches, majestic forests . While the press did not show all the listed least attractive of the island, like that contained the ravine , the waste that piled in nature. The press has shown the positive side , so public opinion is favorable to say it is a beautiful island . This is not necessarily the case in the whole island.

Since the advent of the Internet, the role of the press is highlighted. Information travels very quickly, and sometimes the information exchange. Anyone who know some basic computer can create a website to put information that can be wrong, and make it past as true. And that's how the internet can quickly be an asset of the press. For example, at the meeting during the hurricane season, a person enjoys loosely on social networks misinformation regarding the arrrive a cyclone and a bad path. The press is a real source of power.

We view the different aspects of power of the press, and to be careful because it is the fourth power, and nothing stops. The Fourth includes all means of communication that can serve counter power against the executive, legislative and judicial


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