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Dialogue anglais, échange Erasmus

Guide pratique : Dialogue anglais, échange Erasmus. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Janvier 2018  •  Guide pratique  •  335 Mots (2 Pages)  •  941 Vues

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Dialogue anglais échange erasmus

This dialogue talks about a son who wants to study abroad. He will have to be convincing in front of his parents.

Fils : Hi Dad, I want to tell you something about school.

Père : Yes what is about ?

F : It’s about the erasmus exchange program, I want to do it.

P : No, I don’t think so, you have to study and not to stay on holydays in another country.

F : I can guarantee that I will study because I’m determined to have a great job in economy so I need English to communicate with all people of others countries.

P : I totally disagree with you, you don’t need leave in another country for learning English.

F : But here I can’t learn how to work in multicultural teams.

P : Maybe but you will learn with time and with your experience.

F : Erasmus exchange program will help me to develop a stronger character.

P : Don’t worry, I think your character is already enough strong !

F : I will become more mature, furthermore I could imagine international perspectives

P : Yes, you are right for this but you know, you can find great jobs here and not in another country

F : Nonsense ! I believe that this is the best decision for me, I’ll be self-sufficiency, I will live alone without a family and I will need to do my own budget.

P : From your point of view, I understand that doing an erasmus exchange program could be great for you but what do you think you will learn ?

F : I will experiment different culture and learn how to adapt me to the culture of another country.

P : I approve of what you said but your mother won’t let you go so far away of her, you know that ?

F : Yes, but you will help me to convince her !

Please dad.

P : We'll see my son, you'll talk to him tonight at the table.

F : Okay but I hope you’ll be with me.


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