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Dialogue Anglais

Mémoire : Dialogue Anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Avril 2014  •  388 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 171 Vues

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G - Excuse me Sir, I'm so sorry, may I talk to you a few minutes. A few days ago, I was drinking my usual (daily) beer next to your table. And I couldn't help listening to your conversation.

M - When was it ? Who was I talking to ? What was I saying ?

G - Well, listen ! My name is George, I heard you three days ago talked to someone. Was it a friend of yours ? And you were looking for someone. I think I'm the good person for what you want to do.

M - But who are you exactly ? Tell me more, I don't understand what you're talking about.

G - I'm a contract killer !

M - HHMM ! Ok ! Well, I am indeed very interested in your services ! I am going to explain to you my situation, it's a bit complicated.

G - Ok but I heard you wanted to kill your wife, is that true ?

M - Yes, it's true, in fact I was director of a garage company but in 1986 I was made redundant. After that, I became a property company director but the company wasn't a success and I became debt-ridden. Consequently, I found myself in financial difficulties that's why, I want to hire a contract killer to murder my wife because it will enable me to collect 560 000 pounds from three life insurance policies.

G - Oh my God, which story ! But how do you want to proceed ? How do you want to kill your wife ?

M - It's very simple, I want to have my wife run over by a truck in order to make believe the police that it's a hit-and-run accident.

G - It's a great idea ! But how I will recognize her ?

M - I will show you pictures of her and I will take her to the theatre in London in 2 days so that you see her.

G - Ok, I agree to be your man, but I've got an important question, how much money will you pay me ?

M - 30 000 pounds "take it or leave it" !

G - Perfect, I agree, you can hire me !

M - Thank you very much ! But don't forget that this conversation remains secret.

G - Of course !


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