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Dialogue En Anglais Sur Le Mariage En Inde

Commentaires Composés : Dialogue En Anglais Sur Le Mariage En Inde. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Mai 2015  •  283 Mots (2 Pages)  •  3 828 Vues

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Latika, a thirteen year old Indian girl, had an argument with her parents last night about the fact that she gets married soon.

“Dad please, it’s still too early for me to get married! I ‘am still thirteen!” Latika cried.

“But why? Not only he’s a nice guy, but he’s rich too. You’ll live like a princess”, replied her dad.

“Marriage is about love, I don’t even love him! I don’t find him nice”, bragged Latika.

“Trust me it’s for your own good. I can’t afford raising you”, sighed her dad.

“But you can’t force me! I ‘am your only daughter! How could you?”, howled Latika.

“You’re lucky what usually happens to Indian girls didn’t happen to you. Your mom and I took great care of you but now it’s time that you get married”, answered her dad.

“I ‘am not even ready to raise children. Why is this society unfair? Look at girls in other countries, how could their lives gets any better?” argued Latika.

“Just thank god for what you have. Don’t be scared, the same happened to me and look where I am now, a married woman with children”, interrupted her mother.

“That’s paying a dowry for the groom than having to keep you here by my side and depriving you of having a normal life. What a curse, after 4 boys we had to have a girl, we should have stopped at 4 children” added Latika’s dad.

“I agree with your dad, it’s better for all of us if you get married now”, explained her mom.

Latika, left the main room and went to the only other room in the shack, crying and scared about what’s going to happen next.


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