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Theodore Roosevelt

Dissertations Gratuits : Theodore Roosevelt. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Avril 2015  •  580 Mots (3 Pages)  •  702 Vues

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Theodore Roosevelt was born on the 27th October 1858 in New York City.He died on the 6th January 1919 in Oster Bay in New York. He was the only child in a quite poor family, therefore his life was sometimes difficult. He had very severe asthma. Special medicines and treatments that exists now were not available, that’s why he was often sick. Fortunately, he did a lot of gymnastic and weight-lifting, who helped him to live with his asthma. When he was eighteen, he entered Harvard University where he studied four years. He excelled in sport and books and did a lot of other subjects like German, natural history, zoology, forensics... Then he studied in Germany for one year and after entered politics. In 1880, he married to Alice Hathaway Lee. Then, he was elected to the assembly of New York State and worked on many reforms. He held to this assembly for three years but abandoned his political work because of his health problems and of a personal tragedy (his wife and his mother died on the same day in the same house). For two years, he stayed in his family ranch in Dakota before returning in New York in 1886. Then he married again with Edith Kermit Carow, “his childhood sweetheart”. They got five children and Roosevelt had yet one daugther from his first wife. In 1889, he becames a member of the Civil Service Commission, then president of the New York City Police Board until 1895, when he took the direction of the Police Department of New York City. In 1897, he joined the administration of the president as assistant secratary of the Navy. He had an important role in the Cuban War, he created the Rough-Riders which was a regiment of volunteer cavalry. In 1919, he was elected governor of the New York State for two years. Then, in 1900, he became the vice-president of the USA. Unfortunately, the president Mc Kinley was assassinated in 1901, therefore Roosevelt got the title of president. Then, in 1904, he was elected president in his own right and worked with the Republican Party Leaders. Roosevelt is consedered like a hero by the americain population, and know in the USA because of his “anti-trust” law against the monopoly of some large companies. But he is more famous for what he did in foreign countries. He organized a mediation in the Russo-Japanese War, for which he won the Nobel peace prize in 1901.

Roosevelt was a nature-lover, and it was the first environmentalist President of the USA. He created more than 200 millions acres of national park reserves, wildlife refuge...

Roosevelt was an extremely popular president. He was able to be reelected president in 1912 in the Progressive party. He lost the election and Wilson won. But he created one of the most signifiant third political party in the story of the United States of America.

Roosevelt supported the Allies during the World War and he prepared the war but was criticized by Wilson. The USA entered in war in 1917.

Two years later, Roosevelt died in his sleep by a heart attack. He was only sixty years old.

The story of Teddybär

One day, when he was hunting, he saw a little bear in the forest. He didn’t shoot at him because this animal was so cut. Theodore Roosevelt’s nickname was “Teddy”, therefore the first cuddly toy bear was called « Teddybär” in Germany


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