reading dissertations et mémoires
27 reading dissertations gratuites 26 - 27
Reading comprehension questions
5. Reading comprehension questions Read the following statements and decide if they are true or false. 1. In the article, the author compares influencers to popular teenage students in their ability to decide what is and isn’t fashionable. 2. According to the article, advertising used to be a lot more obvious about what its intentions were. 3. It’s only really the big-name influencers who are able to earn good money from advertising products. 4. Belle
449 Mots / 2 Pages -
Learning listening reading
Code de correction des travaux pour les cours de français 2 ORTHOGRAPHE 2 O-1 Orthographe d’usage 2 O-2 Signes orthographiques (cédille, accent, trait d’union, apostrophe) 2 O-3 Majuscule et minuscule 3 GRAMMAIRE 3 G-1 Accord fautif dans le groupe du nom (déterminant, adjectif, nom, pronom) 3 G-2 Accord du verbe 4 G-3 Erreur de forme ou de conjugaison verbales 5 G-4 Accord du participe passé 5 G-5 Homophone 6 SYNTAXE 6 S-1 Phrase syntaxiquement incomplète
1 397 Mots / 6 Pages