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Spaces And Changes dissertations et mémoires


2 166 Spaces And Changes dissertations gratuites 151 - 175 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 21 Juin 2015
  • Spaces and exchanges : immigration int the USA

    Spaces and exchanges : immigration int the USA

    The notion I am going to deal with is « Spaces and Exchanges ». To begin with, I’ld like to give a definition of the notion : an exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. It can also be seen as a continuous movement or circulation. There are different kinds of exchanges : media, people, trade… To illustrate the notion, I have chosen to talk about immigration in the USA.

    547 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : Why do people decide to move abroad ?

    Spaces and exchanges : Why do people decide to move abroad ?

    SPACES AND EXCHANGES Moving abroad is a dream for many of us. Our generation is linked with globalisation, and as a european member and citizen of the world, it is essential for us to discover different culture and landscapes. In our lives, we can discover the world through our holidays, but also during our studies with a gap year for exemple, or even during our working life if we decide to work in another country.

    558 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges, immigration in the usa

    Spaces and exchanges, immigration in the usa

    Spaces and exchanges: immigration in the USA The notion I am going to deal with is “spaces and exchanges”. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion: an exchange is a continuous movement or circulation. There are different kinds of exchanges: people, trade, media etc. I would like to tackle this notion thanks to the theme studied which is the immigration in the USA. Indeed, more and more people are crossing

    782 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: Is the American Dream real ?

    Spaces and exchanges: Is the American Dream real ?

    Spaces and exchanges I am going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion. Spaces and exchanges can be defined as the different spaces of the world, who are today, more connected to each others. This year in class, we studied several documents about spaces and exchanges. I will attempt to answer the question : Is the American Dream have real ?

    1 123 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Gap years, spaces and exchanges

    Gap years, spaces and exchanges

    Introduction : I'm going to talk about the gap year. This topic concerns the notion Space of Exchanges. A space is an area which is mostly free or available and an exchange is the act of giving and receiving. The issue we are going to answer is: how does gap year change the world view? To do so, I should define what a gap year is: it concerns mostly graduated students it's a year during

    1 000 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Spaces and Exchanges: why a gap year is an exchange of services and cultures?

    Spaces and Exchanges: why a gap year is an exchange of services and cultures?

    Spaces and Exchanges Hello, I’m going to talk about the notion “Spaces and Exchanges”. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic spaces that all societies occupy, and the interactions between men and different societies. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. For this, crossing the borders has become easier and faster and new modes of exchange are emerging. An exchange is about making a reciprocal change

    658 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : how have Ireland's economy impacted migration?

    Spaces and exchanges : how have Ireland's economy impacted migration?

    NOURID Wassim TES2 SPACES AND EXCHANGES In order to begin my presentation about Spaces and exchanges, it will be necessary to define what power means. Nowadays, the different spaces of the world are more and more connected to each other. Exchanges can take on many forms : people, trades, informations. I’ll show you how ireland's economy impacted migration ? I will present this notion chronologically with document studied in class. -In the first, thanks to

    595 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and Exchanges: to what extent has English evolves through time ?

    Spaces and Exchanges: to what extent has English evolves through time ?

    English - “Spaces and Exchanges” Introduction : - “Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.” - This quote from R. M. B., tells us that we learn about nation’s culture and history through its language. A language evolves through time, it borrows words from different culture and people. - The notion I’m going to talk about, spaces and exchanges, deals with

    759 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Notion d'anglais spaces and exchange immigration to the usa

    Notion d'anglais spaces and exchange immigration to the usa

    Anglais : Notion n°1 SPACES AND EXCHANGES Introduction : Today, i'm going to deal with the notion of spaces and exchanges. To begin with, i would like to give a definition about that. The Word "spaces" can be linked to the geography, so, the countries, the cities and the landscapes and the word "exchanges" can be linked to the economy, the communications and the society. To illustrate this notion i will talk about the immigration

    826 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : What impact do global cities have on people’s everyday lives?

    Spaces and exchanges : What impact do global cities have on people’s everyday lives?

    ORAL ANGLAIS SPACES AND EXCHANGES Introduction: This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interaction between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces and there are different cultures, economic and language. A global city is a city with a lot of animation and people, it’s a city where the country’s economic influences politics and culture. To talk about the

    488 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : What drives people to leave their country and visit another country?

    Spaces and exchanges : What drives people to leave their country and visit another country?

    I’m going to talk about the notion spaces and exchanges. So I’m going to ask the question : « What drives people to leave their country to go and visit another country ? ». At first I will explain the concept « spaces and exchanges », then I will show you the different types of sharing to visit a country and finally I will give my opinion. The concept of « spaces and exchanges »

    466 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : Are social networks a bane or a boon in today’s world?

    Spaces and exchanges : Are social networks a bane or a boon in today’s world?

    SPACES AND EXCHANGES IDEA OF PROGRESS Introduction: * An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. In today’s modern-day world theses exchanges can take several forms: economic, work exchanges, exchange of goods - exchange of ideas, information, education, and movement of people – immigration, student exchanges, and gap years. There is an evolution of the tehnologie and the communication. Are social networks a bane or a boon in

    812 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Spaces and Exchanges : Mexican immigration

    Spaces and Exchanges : Mexican immigration

    EMBOUAZZA Synthèse d’Anglais Imane TSTMG2 Introduction : 1/Define the notion of Spaces and exchanges The notion of space and trade requires the movement of people or goods between countries through immigration, tourism and trade. Interactions and exchanges across the borders have become easier and faster. But it has not always been the case. 2/What the problem with Mexican immigrants wanting to make the American dream come true ? (use the song Americanos and the video’crossingtheborder)

    883 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Space and exchanges :what do the new américans aspire to ?

    Space and exchanges :what do the new américans aspire to ?

    Documents oral anglais Space and exchanges Introduction Today i al going To deal with the notion espacios e intercambios. To Bégin i il give you my ideas about this concept . Space is an empty aera which is avaiable To be used . Moreother, an exchange is the act of giving and receving somethings else in return . I would like To illustrate this notion with the thème of immigration especially in thé usa because

    402 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : To what extent can we consider a global city as a place of diversity through the case of NYC?

    Spaces and exchanges : To what extent can we consider a global city as a place of diversity through the case of NYC?

    Spaces and exchanges : Project 1 : On top of the world Prbl : To what extent can we consider a global city as a place of diversity through the case of NYC? The notion I’m going to deal with is Spaces and Exchanges. First of all, when thinking of Spaces and Exchanges, what comes to mind is that all societies are somehow defined by the geographical and symbolic spaces they occupy and how they

    634 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : What extent immigration is both a denaturating and rewarding experience ?

    Spaces and exchanges : What extent immigration is both a denaturating and rewarding experience ?

    SPACES AND EXCHANGES Intro: I am going to talk about Spaces and Exchanges. I will use 3 documents : 2 texts and a picture. Documents are chiefly (principalement)about immigration to the United States The United States is a country of immigrants who travelled from far away to have a new and better life. Then in the US, they settled the land from east to west, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Indeed, in

    1 147 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Space and exchanges

    Space and exchanges

    I’m going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges.I’m going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges.I’m going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges.I’m going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges.I’m going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges.I’m going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges.I’m going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges.I’m going to talk about

    311 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : why did people emigrate to the USA?

    Spaces and exchanges : why did people emigrate to the USA?

    Spaces and exchanges I'm going to present the notion « spaces and exchanges ». An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in subtitution for something esle. It can take several forms : economic, cultural, movement of people. I'm going to talk about the movement of people to USA. WHY DID PEOPLE EMIGRATE TO THE USA ? Over the last decades, the US-Mexico border has become a debated issue. It is one of

    456 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : is the Trump Wall useful?

    Spaces and exchanges : is the Trump Wall useful?

    Introduction : I'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. To begin with, I'd like to give a definition of exchange. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms: people, trade, information . The immigration is linked to this notion as it implies the motion of legal and illegal people to other countries. Immigration: from dream to disillusion. I’m

    356 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: is the immigration really desirable in the United States?

    Spaces and exchanges: is the immigration really desirable in the United States?

    The notion I am going to deal with is « Spaces and Exchanges ». To begin with, I’ld like to give a definition of the notion : an exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. It can also be seen as a continuous movement or circulation. There are different kinds of exchanges : media, people, trade... To illustrate the notion, I have chosen to talk about immigration in the

    731 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : immigration

    Spaces and exchanges : immigration

    Spaces and exchanges The notion i am going to deal with «  spaces and exchanges ». First , let me define the word « exchange » : it is movement or circulation all types of exchange : people , media , trade.. I have chosen to illustrate this notion with two documents : the wall , a report and New Horizons , a radio programme.. All these documents are about immigration. So we can ask if the

    590 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and Exchanges :Globalisation

    Spaces and Exchanges :Globalisation

    The notion I am going to deal with is Spaces and Exchanges, to begin with I would like to give a definition of the notion. A space can be geographical or symbolic and it defines and demarcates a given society. Nowadays these spaces are more and more connected thanks to such factors as the conquest of new worlds (immigration, trade and communications) an exchange on the other hand is the act of giving and receiving

    820 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Space and echanges notion anglais

    Space and echanges notion anglais

    I’m going to deal with the notion of spaces and exchanges. First of all I would like to give a definition of the notion. An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in return for something else and also with the places (or « spaces ») where these exchanges take place. In today’s modern-day world these exchanges can take several forms: people, trade or media. The concept «Spaces and Exchanges» illustrates the theme

    800 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges

    Spaces and exchanges

    Anglais Spaces and exchanges I'm going to talk to you about my first notion : spaces and exchanges. First of all I’ll give you it's definition : space is geographical or symbolic area and exchanges is act of giving and receiving in return. It deals with the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. In our global era, different cultural, sociological and language interactions

    430 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral Anglais : Spaces and exchanges

    Oral Anglais : Spaces and exchanges

    Space and exchanges The notion i’m going to talk about (to deal with) is space and exchanges. First at all, i’d like to define the notion : the exchange is the act of giving and receiving something else in return. There are differents kinds of exchange : information, people, media..  To illustrate the notion, i have chosen to talk about immigration in the USA. Firstly, i will talk about the immigration in the past. In the 19th

    357 Mots / 2 Pages