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PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER – THE MEDIA dissertations et mémoires


8 177 PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER – THE MEDIA dissertations gratuites 451 - 475 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

  • Myths and heroes: what role plays the myths and heroes in the culture other tradition of a country?

    Myths and heroes: what role plays the myths and heroes in the culture other tradition of a country?

    Myths and heroes A myth can be defined as a story which can be true or not. It can be a popular belief or a tradition where there are gods and in which heroes are born. A hero or a heroin is somebody who saves life and helps people in need even if he risks his own life. It is often someone who is endowed with many qualities such as courage, loyalty or also modest.

    702 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes: the evolution of american's point of view on heroes through history

    Myths and heroes: the evolution of american's point of view on heroes through history

    The notion I am going to deal with today is Myths and Heroes. So, when we talk about myths, we think about stories that may be fictional that explains the world’s origins. And when we talk about heroes, we imagine someone who is admired for his courage, his outstanding achievements or noble qualities. In class we studied the American myths, heroes and its history. Today we are going to explain the evolution of american’s

    784 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Myths and heroes: the american conquest of the West

    Myths and heroes: the american conquest of the West

    Notion anglais : Mythes et Héros We have chose like topic, "The americain conquest of the west" for illustrate the notion of myth and hero. A myth is a story which can be true or not. But there are many differences between the myth and the reality. We can try to show in this presentation these differences. At first we shall see the various myths of this period then in a second part, we shall

    561 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanes: what are the consequences of the advent of the internet and social networks?

    Spaces and exchanes: what are the consequences of the advent of the internet and social networks?

    Spaces and Exchanges To begin, we will define term of spaces and exchanges. It's a continuous movement of circulation. All types of exchanges : People, trade, media, etc... Exchanges can be merchants, relational. What are the consequences of the advent of the internet and social networks ? First, we will see the positive consequences of this. Then we will speak of the negative consequences of the advent of th internet. The arrival of the Internet

    570 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Idea of progress: how India experienced this change and what were progresses made in the country?

    Idea of progress: how India experienced this change and what were progresses made in the country?

    IDEA OF PROGRESS Progress is an improvement which brings better social conditions and happiness to mankind. It can be economic, technical medical, geo-political, any domain would to always bring satisfaction to men. People can have various ideas about what progress is. India is typically a nation in which the idea of progress can be controversial. We will wonder how India experienced this change and what were progresses made in the country. We will see first

    431 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Imaes of the enemy: A study of the Images of Germans and Frend Collaborationists in the Gaullist newspaper Combat by Suzy Gmer

    Imaes of the enemy: A study of the Images of Germans and Frend Collaborationists in the Gaullist newspaper Combat by Suzy Gmer

    Images of the Enemy: A Study of the Images of Germans and French Collaborationists in the Gaullist newspaper Combat by Suzy Gamer University of Tennessee, Knoxville The French Resistance and Combat The seemingly endless years of the German Occupation of France during World War II remain among the most controversial in the nation's history. Today this period of time between 1940 and 1944 serves as a bittersweet reminder of the fragility of man's freedom, the

    848 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Australia: aboriginal's live and lifestyle, animals, Sydney and places to visit

    Australia: aboriginal's live and lifestyle, animals, Sydney and places to visit

    Let me teyou about my topic on austalia, a country i was intersed by. First of all will speak about aboriginal’s live and lifestyle, then on animals in austalia and finally i will present sydney and what is intersting to visit First australian aborigines are the first humans known to have inhabited the mainland. These men were living of the hunting, fishing, picking in territoires defined by each tribe. Sometimes they had to move thousands

    344 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Idea of progress: the relationship betwen men and machines

    Idea of progress: the relationship betwen men and machines

    MOIA Marvin Ts Idee of progress The notion I’m going to deal with is idea of progress. The subject of my oral presentation that I’m going to speak about is the relationship between man and machine. First of all i’ll define a progree : a progress is a development towards a better, more compltete, or more modern condition. I fell like this notion is best illustrated by trying to see differences between man-machine and machine-man

    758 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Myths and heroes: the myth of wutches in America

    Myths and heroes: the myth of wutches in America

    The notion i'm going to deal with is Myths and heroes with the exemple of the myth of witches in America. First, I think that is important to define the terms of myth and hero. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or

    405 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: why is India said to be a country of contradiction?

    Spaces and exchanges: why is India said to be a country of contradiction?

    ORAUX ANGLAIS SPACE AND EXCHANGES I’m going to talk about spaces and exchanges. To begin with we can define it as the different spaces of the world that nowadays are more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms : people, trade, information or even immigration. I will illustrate this notion by wondering « why is India said to be a country of contradiction ? » First of all, we

    442 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and heroes: to what extent are myths and heroes cornestones of our societies?

    Myths and heroes: to what extent are myths and heroes cornestones of our societies?

    Myths and heroes Today I am going to talk to you about myths and heroes. In order to understand the issues involved in this topic, I will first of all give a definition. Generally speaking, a myth is a popular belief which embodies the ideals and institutions of a society. Furthermore, it may include heroes, who are fictive or real persons admired for their great accomplishments and noble qualities, because they contribute to the well

    995 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: what is the impact of the immigrant in USA?

    Spaces and exchanges: what is the impact of the immigrant in USA?

    Introduction: Hello my name is... I'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. To start with I'd like to give you a definition about the notion. So space is the unlimited three-dimentional expance in wich all material object are located ans exchange is to replace unsafactory goods with another. The subject of my presentation is the emigration. Now the question i can up with is what is the ipact of the immigrant

    252 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : what are the reasons for, and the consequences of immigration ?

    Spaces and exchanges : what are the reasons for, and the consequences of immigration ?

    Sophie Savary TS4 Anglais I am going to talk aboutthe notion of « Space and Exchanges ». an exchange is an act of giving and receiving something in return. Or a continuous movement and circulation : media, people, trade, etc. In class we focussed on immigration into the United States, from Mexico. It is the longest border and a strategic border for legal and illegal business such as drug dealing. We studied on two documents,

    532 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes: to what extent does the myth of the conquest of the West defines American culture

    Myths and heroes: to what extent does the myth of the conquest of the West defines American culture

    I will first give the definition of the notion "Myths and Heroes" A) Myth are ancient traditionnal stories about gods, heroes and magic B) A hero or heroine is a being who has exeptionnal courage. They can be mythical. Fictional or real free national figures, Actors, sportmen or the common man or women whose courage is revealed through trying or unexpected circumtances They both cristallize the values of a society that have created them and

    466 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Myth of Argos and Euthalia

    The Myth of Argos and Euthalia

    The Myth of Argos and Euthalia Here is the story of Argos, a young man born of noble family. He is the son of Asclepius, god of medicine and Chloris, goddess of the flowers. One day, in a small village called Nagada, in Egypt, the disappearance of a young girl threw her family into a panic. His father, a very famous merchant, sent a group of people to find her. Argos was immediately voluntary for

    744 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Notion of Progress:Is ecology and sustainable development within cities an issue of pogress and future?

    Notion of Progress:Is ecology and sustainable development within cities an issue of pogress and future?

    Notion of progress I am going to present the notion of progress. Progress consists in an evolution which can be linked to an improvement. It’s the act of going forward, growing and being better. The notion of progress opposes to stability. To illustrate this notion, we can use different domains such as: Sciences, techniques and human progress. We can therefore ask ourselves if ecology and sustainable development within cities is an issue of progress and

    713 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges, what are the effects of these world exchanges in our society?

    Spaces and exchanges, what are the effects of these world exchanges in our society?

    Introduction: I'm going to present the notion Spaces and Exchanges. Exchange is defined as a continuous output, a continuous movement or circulation, this concerns people, trade, media etc... Exchange can also be defined as general movement or tendency. In class we have chosen to studied an aspect of these movements: the globalization. There is a process of increasing interdependence and interaction between nations, governments, people or companies. It is driven by international trade and it's

    472 Mots / 2 Pages


    SOCIO-CULTURAL VALUES OF YASHIKERA AND ITS PEOPLE BY HRH UMARU USMAN SARIKI, EMIR OF YASHIKIRA The contests for the exalted throne of Nikki brought about wars among the five princedoms that could vie for it. These contests also caused waves of movements out of Nikki in the beginning of the nineteenth century. One of such movements brought about the rivalry between the Sanu-Lafiaru and the Sessi-Makararu that made the town of Yashikira very famous. Yashikira

    2 077 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Idea of progress: to what extent have mass consumption and consumerism made people happier?

    Idea of progress: to what extent have mass consumption and consumerism made people happier?

    IDEA OF PROGRESS Introduction : * I am going to talk about the notion « idea of progress ». Firstly I am going to defined this notion: The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change - a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. * Furthermore, to illustrate this notion we are going to speak of consumerism and mass consumption. -Mass

    356 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The idea of progress: how technological progress and social progress become too influential in our daily lives?

    The idea of progress: how technological progress and social progress become too influential in our daily lives?

    In order to begin my presentation about progress. It will be necessary to define what progress means. It is defined as an improvement, a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. In fact, progress is all about taking a step forward, but it has its advantages and disadvantages. People can see progress in different aspects of life, such as technological progress, social progress; which I’m going to talk

    786 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : the idea of the sport

    Spaces and exchanges : the idea of the sport

    SPACES AND EXCHANGES 1. Second English notion – bac 2017 First document Second document Third document A story of boycotts of the Olympic Games Spirit in motion Queen’s Elisabeth speech on the positive values of sport 1. Introduction * I’m going to deal this the notion of spaces and exchanges who’s a hard notion. We could definite the notion with the idea of changes in a lot of country or area in movement. There are

    572 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Space and exchange: what is the diversity in the work place ?

    Space and exchange: what is the diversity in the work place ?

    Before talking about the notion of Space and Exchange, I’m going to give you a general definition of it. Space represents lots of things like Locations of everyday (School and Home), Areas (Beaches and Mountains) or again Countries and Cities (United States, Great Britain). As for the word Exchange, it represents humans and familiar relationship but also economical and political exchange, as for exemple economical exchange between the European Union and Canada. It also refers

    542 Mots / 3 Pages
  • CV de "bachelor's of science degree in banking and finance"

    CV de "bachelor's of science degree in banking and finance"

    AYUK NCHA AYUK Bachelor’s Of Science Degree in Banking and Finance Personal Information Date of Birth: Nationality: 08th September1985 Cameroonian Email: Telephone: +237 679 261 460 / 670 616 933 / 697 578 369 Professional Objective Dream of working in a challenging corporate business organization with a strong reputation that will hand me with responsibility and growth opportunities. Summary A dedicated and exceptionally well trained banker with strong analytical skills and customer care professional

    658 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : is it essential to have super powers ?

    Myths and heroes : is it essential to have super powers ?

    MYTHS AND HEROES Intro: I’m going to talk about the notion “myths and heroes”. To begin with I’d like to give a definition of myths and heroes: A myth is a fictitious story (invented, not true) for explaining the origins of humanity. A hero is a person admired for their noble qualities, who set an example to every generation by their feats and their bravery. The question of the hero has grown aware of the

    516 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and Exchanges : Chat impact global cities and their evolution can have on people's lives and the places where they live

    Spaces and Exchanges : Chat impact global cities and their evolution can have on people's lives and the places where they live

    I’m going to speak about the notion entitled « Spaces and Exchanges ». Let’s begin with definition of this notion. An exchange is the act of giving and receiving something else in return. It can also be seen as a continuous movement or circulation of people or goods. There are different kind of exchanges : media, exchanges between people, trade… Spaces refer to all places that society occupy and to the interaction between people. To

    625 Mots / 3 Pages