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Exposé En Anglais dissertations et mémoires


5 515 Exposé En Anglais dissertations gratuites 376 - 400 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 23 Juin 2015
  • Note De Service En Anglais

    Note De Service En Anglais

    MEMORANDUM Express & Co Ltd (Head Office), Nesson House, Newell Street, Birmingham To : All Employees Date : 12 November 2012 From : Human Resources Manager Subject : Improve the communication between employees and executive management From the next month, a one hour weekly meeting will be managed in each departement with the employees to discuss about problems which they will have noted, work terms, solutions, possible improvements and made progress. Every departement head will

    202 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Accepteriez-vous de travailler pour une entreprise qui gère votre compte bancaire, vos dépenses et vos revenus? (document en anglais)

    Accepteriez-vous de travailler pour une entreprise qui gère votre compte bancaire, vos dépenses et vos revenus? (document en anglais)

    Would you agree to work for a company that manages your bank account,your expenses and earnings ? I don’t know if i could work for a company which manage my bank because there are pros and cons. I think it’s a very good device to motivate company’s workers. However employers offers this system only for keep their workers; in their own personnal interest. In fact, when they offers to lend us money, workers must stay

    203 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Petite biographie en anglais sur Frida Kahlo

    Petite biographie en anglais sur Frida Kahlo

    Frida Kahlo Données clés Nom de naissance Magdalena Frida Carmen Kahlo Calderón Naissance 6 juillet 1907 Coyoacán, Mexico Décès 13 juillet 1954 (à 47 ans) Coyoacán, Mexico Nationalité Drapeau du Mexique Mexicaine Activité(s) Peinture Towards the end of 1939, Frida began to suffer increased back pain and developed an acute fungal infection in her right hand. At the recommendation of Dr. Eloesser, her long-time friend and doctor, Frida traveled to San Francisco to see him

    239 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Sûreté réelle mobilière (document en français et en anglais)

    Sûreté réelle mobilière (document en français et en anglais)

    Bla ddeefhefjhejfhjefhjehfjhjfhejhhehehBla bla [...] d'un conflit entre le titulaire d'une sûreté réelle mobilière rendue opposable par inscription dans un registre spécialisé ou par annotation sur un certificat de propriété et la personne à qui le bien grevé est transféré. [...] been added to deal with a conflict between a security right made effective against third parties by registration in a specialized registry or notation on a title certificate and a transferee of the

    3 894 Mots / 16 Pages
  • Exposé: dans quelle mesure le contrôle de constitutionnalité peut permettre aux droits fondamentaux de prospérer?

    Exposé: dans quelle mesure le contrôle de constitutionnalité peut permettre aux droits fondamentaux de prospérer?

    Sommaire I.L'Etat de droit : garant des libertés et des droits fondamentaux A.Une Constitution placée au plus haut de la hiérarchie des normes B.Un organe politico-judiciaire limitant les pouvoirs exécutif et législatif II.Le contrôle de constitutionnalité : processus faillant à établir un pur Etat de droit A.La limitation de la souveraineté nationale B.L'Etat de droit : but impossible à atteindre ? Résumé de l'exposé Le but de tout mouvement est de créer une évolution, un

    441 Mots / 2 Pages
  • L'impératif En Anglais

    L'impératif En Anglais

    P.R.L : L’impératif Anglais Il est formé de la base verbale ou encore de l’infinitif. On emploie aussi l’impératif pour donner des ordres ou des consignes ou interdire quelque chose à une ou plusieurs personnes. 1. L’impératif positif Ex : Open the door Keep quiet - Si on veut insister on utilise Do + base verbale Ex : Do tell me please Do come tonight Si le demandeur s’implique dans l’action , on utilise «

    453 Mots / 2 Pages
  • L'utilité des incoterms : étude en anglais

    L'utilité des incoterms : étude en anglais

    Incoterms ''Incoterms" is the abbreviation of Internation Commercial Terms, which were defined in 1936 by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Since that time have been several revisions and updates of the Incoterms. The Incoterms are supposed to define the respective roles of the buyer and seller in the arrangement of transportation and other responsibilities and clarify at what exact time the change of ownership of the merchandise is taking place. They are used in

    469 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Analyse des caractères et résumé de «A propos d'un garçon» de Nick Hornby (document en anglais)

    Analyse des caractères et résumé de «A propos d'un garçon» de Nick Hornby (document en anglais)

    Character analysis Marcus. He feels responsible for his mother's problems. He feels like he's the reason she's depressed, the reason she wants to kill herself, etc. Though she can dote on him at times, he feels inadequate, like if he were a better student or had more friends or hobbies, she'd be happy. He's also the man of the house since his father isn't in the picture and he has to somehow fulfill that role

    2 661 Mots / 11 Pages
  • Devoir D'Anglais Niveau Bac : Norman Rockwell

    Devoir D'Anglais Niveau Bac : Norman Rockwell

    Norman Rockwell was a American painter born in New York city in 1894 and he lived in the 20th century. He went to high school and student’s league, then, he is still famous for his 321 original cover illustrations of the Saturday Evening Post magazine. He mainly posted scenes of everyday small town life, and he also treated serious subjects such as racism and injustice. It’s the hyper realism artistic movement he belonged. The names

    326 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Les produits cosmétiques (document en anglais)

    Les produits cosmétiques (document en anglais)

    INTRO Cosmetic industry is tending to promote the natural side of their products and the fact that they are good for health. But what is it really about? BHT It was used as a preservative in cosmetics. We could find it in moisturizers and make up, but this chemical is now forbidden in EU. It may interfere with hormone function, and it is dangerous especially for children because it may cause hyperactivity and cancer. It

    469 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais Devoir 1: Rédaction d'un compte rendu en français du document « China's Car Economy Revs Up »

    Anglais Devoir 1: Rédaction d'un compte rendu en français du document « China's Car Economy Revs Up »

    Partie 1 : Rédaction d'un compte rendu en français du document « China's Car Economy Revs Up » Ce document est un article de presse, fais le 17 Octobre 2010, et provenant du journal « The Wall Street ». Cet article a été écrit par Sue Feng et Kersten Zhang. L'argument principal que dégage cet article est l'augmentation de la construction et de l'usage de voitures en Chine et ce que cela entraîne dans les

    479 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Les graffitis: art ou vandalisme? (document en anglais)

    Les graffitis: art ou vandalisme? (document en anglais)

    Graffiti art is a form of self-expression. It’s another way artists can show their talent and opinions to the public. Graffiti is street art, often done over a period of time, which characterizes an artist or group. Vandalism is the intentional destruction of property with the sole purpose of doing something illegal and taboo. Though the two are often lumped together in conversation and subject, there is a defining line between them. Any kid can

    767 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Présentation du personnage Dr Jekyll et Mr Hyde dans le roman l'étrange cas du Dr Jekyll et Mr Hyde de Robert Louis Stevenson (document en anglais)

    Présentation du personnage Dr Jekyll et Mr Hyde dans le roman l'étrange cas du Dr Jekyll et Mr Hyde de Robert Louis Stevenson (document en anglais)

    Presentation Dr Jekyll and Mr hyde Biography Robert Louis Stevenson was born in Edinburgh in eighteen fifty, and died at 44 years old in Samoa. As a novelist he is often noted for the powers of invention and depth of psychological insight found in his work ; a skill admired by many writers including Jorge Luis borges, ernest hemingway and G.K Chesterton, who said of him that he « seemed to pick the right word

    2 032 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Entreprises Investissant dans la technologie (document en anglais)

    Entreprises Investissant dans la technologie (document en anglais)

    Live ny/ CCT america Chipmakers struggling Smartphones and tablet Intel : The technology Companies Investing technology Karina China This video is a CCTV report concerning the chipmakers. There are 3 different people talking in this video. This video introduces the problem of the new technology between the Chinese’s market and the European’s market CORRECTION Global economic slowdown: the impact continues Technology sector is now under pressure: most of Europe is under pressure and in a

    250 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Institutional Pressures : étude en anglais

    Institutional Pressures : étude en anglais

    Institutional Pressures, Corporate Reputation, and Voluntary Codes of Conduct: An Examination of the Equator Principles CHRISTOPHER WRIGHT AND ALEXIS RWABIZAMBUGA I n recent years, changing public expectations have increasingly induced firms to publicly declare their commitments to integrating a wide variety of public interest concerns into their corporate practices. In the United States and elsewhere, demands for firms to demonstrate sound management and social awareness have intensified after a series of corporate governance scandals that

    8 025 Mots / 33 Pages
  • La réduction de l'économie mondiale en 2012 signe-t-elle l'effondrement du nouveau cadre politique de consensus? (document en anglais)

    La réduction de l'économie mondiale en 2012 signe-t-elle l'effondrement du nouveau cadre politique de consensus? (document en anglais)

    DOES THE PRESENT DOWNTURN OF THE WORLD ECONOMY SIGNAL THE COLLAPSE OF THE NEW CONSENSUS POLICY FRAMEWORK? The current slowdown is now described as the prolongation of the financial crisis of 2008. The brightest minds have reached the conclusion that the time for regime change has came. This does not mean the collapse of the new consensus policy framework but its renewal in order to fit with the new global stakes. In the first part

    1 818 Mots / 8 Pages
  • La catastrophe de Fukushima (document en anglais)

    La catastrophe de Fukushima (document en anglais)

    FRIDAY MARCH 11 The most important earthquake in Japan is the Fukushima’s catastrophe. This incident unfolds the eleventh of March 2011 at 2:30 pm. It unleashes a huge tsunami which takes an incredible death toll! This event occurs at 2:46 pm at 24, 4 kilometers deep, near to Miyagi. At certain places, the sea flooded up to inland. After the earthquake, Japanese's power complex of Fukushima was damaged. The progressive degradation of the situation unleashes

    278 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Quelqu'un se souvient-il de Pearl Harbor? (document en anglais)

    Quelqu'un se souvient-il de Pearl Harbor? (document en anglais)

    on Sense: Does Anybody Remember Pearl Harbor? Lessons of Pearl Harbor lost on Obama, liberal allies Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7 1941 National Museum of The Marine Corps, Quantico, VA – Seventy years ago Dec. 7, Japanese Commander Mitsuo Fuchida led an airborne strike force of 49 “Kate” bombers, 40 torpedo bombers, 51 “Val” dive-bombers and 43 “Zeke” fighters on the first wave of an attack on Pearl Harbor and plunged America into World War II.

    896 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Le marketing mix de la marque Black sence (document en anglais)

    Le marketing mix de la marque Black sence (document en anglais)

    BLACK SENCE Belissima is an famous Italian company of perfume and cosmetics business. We had the choice between two profiles for the brand future. We have chosen the A profile because for us it is the most adapted now, we will justify our choice. Firstly we will talk about the product. In first it is very important to find a catchy name for the brand.It must show the society’s wish to give an emotion, a

    333 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Le diabète (document en anglais)

    Le diabète (document en anglais)

    Diabetes Diabetes is level of glucose in the blood who are too high it’s due to a hormone called insulin absent in the body or not working, and which consequences on health. This illness affect a lot of people, in 2009 around 150 000 people were diagnosed. It’s the 4th causes of mortality in the developed countries. Taux the norm in 0.8 to 1.20 gram/L Their norm of glucose is over 1.20 gram/L There are

    287 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Le New Deal comme «faux libéralisme»: le point de vue d'Herbert Hoover (document en anglais)

    Le New Deal comme «faux libéralisme»: le point de vue d'Herbert Hoover (document en anglais)

    -Introduction- The New Deal as “False Liberalism” : the View of Herbert Hoover The New Deal was the 1932 election program of Franklin D. Roosevelt thanks to which he became the 32nd President of the United States. Shortly after he took office in March 1933, he launched several programs in order to make the country recover from the impact of the 1929 crisis. These programs introduced more control of the federal government over the economy

    353 Mots / 2 Pages
  • L'impact de la formation parrainée par l'entreprise sur la productivité (document en anglais)

    L'impact de la formation parrainée par l'entreprise sur la productivité (document en anglais)

    This article studies the impact of firm-sponsored training on productivity. The data used are taken from the Workplace and Employee Survey (WES) of Statistics Canada (1999¬2002). The impact of training on productivity is measured by estimating a Cobb-Douglas production function, where investment in human capital is treated as a production input. Our methodology is distinguished from that used in earlier studies by the fact that we model the firm's decision to offer training or not

    1 285 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Biographie d'Alicia Keys (document en Anglais)

    Biographie d'Alicia Keys (document en Anglais)

    Alicia Lila-Sarah Augello-Cooks Alicia Lila-Sarah Augello-Cooks, called Alicia Keys was born on January 25, 1981 in Harlem in New York. She's a pianist, a singer, a songwriter, an actress and an american producer. Alicia Keys grew up in a neighborhood in Manhattan. She's an only child, her mother is an Irish-Italian and her father is a Jamaican-Puerto Rican. She had at 7 years old, a training of classical music. At 16, she got her degree

    255 Mots / 2 Pages


    Nom Prenom L’adresse/tel/@ November 14, 2012 Rich Products Inc. Bakery Division New York-Buffalo, USA RE: applying for work experience Ref: CBA/J3I02T Dear Sir, For my diploma, it is essential to have work experience in American firm. I am hoping to work for an international firm and would be particularly pleased to have some training in your firm which keeps developing. I am following a Master in Bank and Finance, a four months experience period is

    290 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Exposé sur Jules César

    Exposé sur Jules César

    Un exposé sur Jules César le 28 décembre 2007, dans Collège, Histoire, Lycée, Primaire, par mccoy Posez vos questions, échangez vos infos, vos avis et vos idées sur le forum consacré aux exposés ! Je te l’avoue, aujourd’hui, j’ai décidé de ma faire plaisir ! Depuis que j’ai vu l’excellentissime série Rome, je me suis passionné pour cette période de l’histoire. Et plus particulièrement pour ses personnages emblématiques, donc César. Aujourd’hui donc tu as droit

    1 241 Mots / 5 Pages