En Anglais dissertations et mémoires
4 359 En Anglais dissertations gratuites 526 - 550 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Chirurgie esthétique au Brésil (document en anglais)
Cosmetic surgery has become the national sport of Brazil. In this country of 190 million people, where the cult of the body has become an obsession, more than 640,000 surgeries were performed in 2009. They are constantly increasing particularly since the lower interest rates and loan facilities have democratized the use of plastic surgery. Afford the perfect breasts, a small flat belly or fleshy mouth is the dream of all Brazilian. In Brazil the subject
244 Mots / 1 Pages -
La France, un Etat providence (document en anglais)
II) France, a Providence State The providence state is a state concept where it extends its intervention and regulation in the economic and social fields. It results in measures designed to redistribute money and to support various social risks such as sickness, old age, employment, family ... The providence state is based on solidarity between different social classes and the objective is to avoid the implosion of capitalism, by introducing a system of redistribution of
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Peut-on vivre sans technologies ? (document en anglais)
Bonjour pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger d'éventuelles fautes s'il vous plaît ? Merci Nowadays the technology takes a big place in our daily. So, can we live without technology ? To answer this question we are going to say why we can live without and why we can’t. On the one hand it’s true that world won’t die without technology ! We can see that in developing countries, most of the population haven’t got access to
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Courriel Anglais Bts Adm Devoir
une autre préoccupation: Salaire mensuel d'une usine à Dongguan Euland qui fabrique des tables de billard et des jeux utres ont bondi de 50 pour cent cette année, dit Shum. Malgré les obstacles, Focus Chine est également en train d'exploiter les opportunités sur le continent. La société, basée à Yiwu, province du Zhejiang, a obtenu l'essentiel de son chiffre d'affaires près de 32 millions de yuans l'année dernière vendre son secret Princesse et autres poupées,
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Violence armée aux États-Unis (document en anglais)
Gun violence in the US This article entitled “Gun violence in the US” has been written by Stuart Jeffries on May 17, 2002. He has been working for the Guardian since 1990 as a subeditor, TV critic, review editor and Paris correspondent. In this text, S. Jeffries tries to explain the nature of gun’s violence in the United States. It is based on the documentary film “Bowling for Columbine” produced by Michael Moore. First, the
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Demande de stage en anglais
3 Boulevard Saint-Denis 003 PARIS Mrs Lallemand Galliéra Museum (réserves) 57 bis, Rue Servan 15 March 2013 Dear Mrs Lallemand, I am writing to you in the hope that you may be able to offer me work experience between May and June this year. I am currently at the beginning of a 2 years technical degree of fashion, in Duperré Superior School of Applied Arts. I would like to join the Galliera Museum in
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AMNH (document en anglais)
touch. Requires iPhone® OS 2.0 or later. AMNH Explorer from the American Museum of Natural History "Nothing less than state-of-the-art" -Gizmodo Chart your own course at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City with AMNH Explorer-a new app that is part custom navigation system, part personal tour guide for the Museum's world-famous halls. Providing turn-by-turn directions, AMNH Explorer takes visitors from the edge of the universe to the age of the dinosaurs.
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Anglais: la malbouffe
Firstly, what is junk food? Junk food is an informal term for food that is of little nutritional value and often high in fat, sugar, and/or calories. We can eat this kind of food in fast food restaurants like McDonald, KFC etc… These "extra foods" are foods like potato chips, chocolate, cakes, lollies, ice cream, soft drinks and some takeaway food like hamburgers and hotdogs. These foods are usually low in nutrients and high in
569 Mots / 3 Pages -
La formation du contrat en droit francais et anglais
LA FORMATION DU CONTRAT EN DROIT FRANÇAIS ET ANGLAIS Vialle Jessica Décembre 2009 Master 2 Contrats et Responsabilités des Professionnels 1 SOMMAIRE Introduction I L’accord des volontés A) La période précontractuelle 1. Les pourparlers 2. Les avant-contrats B) L’échange des consentements 1. L’offre 2. L’acceptation II Les conditions de formation du contrat A) Capacité et consentement 1. La capacité 2. Les vices du consentement B) Autres conditions et sanctions 1. Autres conditions 2. Les sanctions
4 706 Mots / 19 Pages -
Étude de cas: Mortier (document en anglais)
Mortar (masonry) Mortar is a workable paste used to bind construction blocks together and fill the gaps between them. The blocks may be stone, brick, cinder blocks, etc. Mortar becomes hard when it sets, resulting in a rigid aggregate structure. Modern mortars are typically made from a mixture of sand, a binder such as cement or lime, and water. Mortar can also be used to fix, or point, masonry when the original mortar has washed
680 Mots / 3 Pages -
Préparer Oral D'anglais
HOW TO PRESENT A DOCUMENT STRUCTURING YOUR PRESENTATION 1/ Defining the document : This audio document/ video sequence is taken from + name of the magazine or the website…. and was published in + month + year. Its title is + title… and from this title I understand that the topic is about + main topic. 2/ Giving your plan : I'm going to develop my presentation into 2/3 parts : first I am going
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Cosmétique Bio International Negotiation (document en anglais)
I. Business Plan a) The Project In this work, I will be the international team manager of salespeople composed of ladies and gentlemen in an international group. My work will consist in dealing with Luxurious Organic Cosmetics products and developing an international sales programme. To reach this aim, I have decided to reinforce my team in order to expand the business of organic products. Moreover, I will try to develop new sales network in different
3 782 Mots / 16 Pages -
Anglais Bts Communication: étude d'un document "Forward" (avant)
DEVOIR 1 FORWARD Partie 1 Le document « Forward » est une lettre d’information (newletter) datant du 1er Décembre 2009, et qui provient de l’organisme Ressources Internationales. Destiné aux abonnés et aux personnes qui souhaitent s’informer sur les actions récemment effectuées et les évènements à venir. L'organisme investit dans le développement durable et le commerce équitable dans le monde et reste vigilant à la préservation de l’environnement. Ce document nous informe de l'ouverture d'une nouvelle
461 Mots / 2 Pages -
L'Australie (document en anglais)
Australia Australia is a great country to visit if you enjoy culture. Located between the Indian and the Pacific Ocean, Australia was discovered by the Dutch. Claim ed for Great Britain in 1770, this country still has a truly European heritage. This close link is notable on the currently flag of Australia because there is the Union Flag on it. In fact, Australia is a hug country. It is impossible to discover everything in one
940 Mots / 4 Pages -
Le concept de Welfare State (document en anglais)
Define the concept of welfare state. Compare central traits of the Norwegian welfare state with relevant traits in another country. When you compare; remember to address both similarities and differences. Contents Introduction 2 I. Welfare State 3-4 a) Social-Democratic b) Christian-Democratic c) Liberal II. Health Laws 4-7 1. National Insurance Act in Norway 2. Public health system (« Sécurité Sociale) in France III. Immigration 7 a) Norway b) France IV. Employment policies 8 a) Norway
3 278 Mots / 14 Pages -
La fermentation (document en anglais)
It is through alcoholic fermentation that grape juice becomes wine. This fermentation is the conversion of natural sugars (glucose and fructose) into alcohol, under the action of yeasts (tiny microorganisms). Carbon dioxide is also produced. A second (malolactic) fermentation, which occurs later, gives the wine softness. Alcoholic fermentation Fermentation is both a complex chemical reaction and a totally natural process. The grapes ferment once the skin of the berries is broken: the sugars inside the
894 Mots / 4 Pages -
Le poisson (document en anglais)
A fish is any member of a paraphyletic group of organisms that consist of all gill-bearing aquatic craniate animals that lack limbs with digits. Included in this definition are the living hagfish, lampreys, and cartilaginous and bony fish, as well as various extinct related groups. Most fish are ectothermic ("cold-blooded"), allowing their body temperatures to vary as ambient temperatures change, though some of the large active swimmers like white shark and tuna can hold a
354 Mots / 2 Pages -
Le Sud de l’Afrique, d'une colonie à l’indépendance ( texte en anglais)
South Africa became an official colony of the British Empire in 1815. In 1910, South Africa obtained their independent after two wars, with still some region under British domination. In 1930 all people had the right to vote, even women and black. But in 1936, the black were moved to a separated voters’ roll. Apartheid really started after the second World War, in 1948 when National Party won the election. It says until 1994, where
875 Mots / 4 Pages -
Génocide: le cas du Rwanda (document en anglais)
Genocide : the case of Rwanda Population : 2 groups : Hutu (majority) and Tutsi (minority) Have both lived in the country for hundreds of years Speak the same language : Kinyarwanda Follow the same religion : catholicism Are intermarried in great numbers « although the Tutsis are described as generally being taller than the Hutus, with more aquiline noses and longer jawbones, there has been so much mixing trough the years that ethnographers and
3 852 Mots / 16 Pages -
Anglais Devoir 01 Bts Muc: étude d'un document traitant la légère reprise d'économie du secteur commercial des détaillants au dernier trimestre 2010 aux États-Unis
Anglais Devoir 1 Bts MUC 1ere année Partie 1 : Ce document traite de la légère reprise d'économie du secteur commercial des détaillants au dernier trimestre 2010 aux États-Unis. En effet, l'entreprise REIS (recherche commerciale) montre que le taux d'inoccupation des centres commerciaux à diminué de 8,8 % à partir du troisième trimestre. Malgré le fait que les indicateurs soient toujours souvent négatif, cette régression est beaucoup moins marquée qu'avant et laisse donc entrevoir un
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Anglais Bts Muc 1ère année: étude d'un article de presse " Malls Begin Slow Recovery " ( Les centres commerciaux commencent la lente récupération)
Anglais Devoir 1 Bts MUC 1ere année Partie 1 : Ce document est un article de Presse économique dont le titre est « Malls Begin Slow Recovery ». Ce document traite de la légère reprise d'économie du secteur commercial des détaillants au dernier trimestre 2010 aux États-Unis. En effet, l'entreprise REIS (recherche commerciale) montre que le taux d'inoccupation des centres commerciaux à diminué de 8,8 % à partir du troisième trimestre. Malgré le fait que
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Les armes aux Etats-Unis (document en anglais)
In USA, it’s 88.8 guns for 100 people. Every year 97 820, people are shoot that’s mean 268 people are shoot every day . Last year, in Canada, 173 people were shoot dead. DID YOU KNOW? Women are more likely to be shot by an intimate partner than killed by a stranger. → Over 90 percent of female homicide victims are killed by someone they know (VPC, p. 3, based on 2008 data). → In
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Le groupe Skoda (document en anglais)
Question Paper Integrated Case Studies - II (MB3J2): October 2008 Case Study* (100 Marks) • This section consists of questions with serial number 1 - 5. • Answer all questions. • Marks are indicated against each question. Read the case carefully and answer the following questions: 1. “The greater the level of involvement of a company in foreign markets, the greater the need for it to monitor the political climate of the business.” In relation
10 131 Mots / 41 Pages -
La Fashion Week (document en anglais)
Fashion weeks go global Milan ,London ,New York ,Paris … and Lagos? A host of new fashion weeks, from Russia to Indonesia, are vying to compete with the traditional style capitals You've got Milan, London, New York and Paris. Why not Lagos?" said Penny McDonald, organiser of the Arise Africa fashion week. . The event, in its third year, attracted global media interest, with supermodel Alek Wek appearing on the catwalk. but it is just
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Biographie de Bob Marley (document en anglais)
Robert "Bob" Nesta Marley is the greatest ever reggae singer. He spread reggae and his message of love and unity to a worldwide audience. His live performances were legendary for their passion and energy. Marley’s album ‘Exodus’ was voted by ‘Time’ magazine as the best of the 20th Century. The BBC declared his song ‘One Love’ as the song of the millennium. Marley was born in 1945 in a small village in Jamaica to a
256 Mots / 2 Pages