Cours : Microeconomics. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar imanoushki • 18 Décembre 2017 • Cours • 695 Mots (3 Pages) • 568 Vues
CLASS 4 & 5
Lecture 4 & 5 Competition as a Game
Game theory = Study of human behavior and strategic decisions. Used to solve some of the hardest problems in economics. There are different solutions concepts.
-A game: at least 2 players
-Payoffs: what the player wins or lose: value associated with a possible outcome
-strategy= rule or plan of action for playing a game
-optimal strategy= strategy that maximizes a player’s expected payoff. .
Payoff matrix = Table showing profit (or payoff) to each firm given its decision and the decision of its competitor.
[pic 1]
Dominant strategy = strategy that is optimal no matter what an opponent (the other player) does
Weakly/ strictly dominant strategy =
Game equilibrium = Outcome of a game ?
Dominant strategy equilibrium/ Equilibrium in dominant strategies = More basic solution concept. Outcome of a game in which each firm is doing the best it can regardless of what its competitors are doing.
[pic 2][pic 3]
We have a dominant strategy equilibrium when all players play a strictly dominant strategy. Here, we have a dominant strategy equilibrium when player 1 plays strategy A and player 2 plays strategy D. → (A;D)
In the example: [pic 4]
-Both players have a strictly dominant strategy: Payoff(S1) > Payoff(S2) whatever does the other player.
-Thus, this game admits a dominant strategy equilibrium, (S1, S1) with payoffs zeros.
This is an important result: under perfect competition or a price war situation, profits are zero.
Cooperative game = Game in which participants can negotiate binding contracts that allow them to plan joint strategies.
Noncooperative game = Game in which negotiation and enforcement of binding contracts are not possible
[pic 5]
If the game were a cooperative game, i.e. if firms could legally sign binding contracts about price agreements, they would probably agree on creating a cartel and thus choose strategy S2:
➔ (S2; S2) would be the cooperative game equilibrium.
Cooperative game equilibrium = (S2;S2)
Nash equilibrium = A set of strategies, one for each player, in which no player wishes to change his behavior (strategy choice) of his oponents.
→ I’m doing the best I can given what you are doing
→ You’re doing the best you can given what I am doing.