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La non scolarité des enfants défavorisés - en anglais

Compte Rendu : La non scolarité des enfants défavorisés - en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Février 2014  •  411 Mots (2 Pages)  •  855 Vues

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Today according to the UNICEF there are between 75 and 90 million of younger children who work in india. According to the ONU ,India is the largest market for child labor in the world. Child labor represent 20% of the gdp (gross domestic progress) in india

Diapo jobs

Poor children in India begin working at a very young and tender age. Today millions of children work as laborers in various businesses in India.


According to the ngo 20% of children work in the street as

ragpickers, beggars, drivers bicycle taxis or rickshaws, shining

shoes. They recycle some scraps


They also work in some domestic service. A large number of girl working in this sector .They do some chores, they cooking , carry some water or wood. Domestic child laborers can be victims of physical, emotional, and sometimes sexual abuse .


An estimated 30% of child labor occurs in agriculture. Children in commercial agriculture can face long hours in extreme temperatures, health risks from pesticides . It is a work very dangerous.


The manufacturing is an important sector in india . About 30 million children are estimated to be directly involved in manufacturing good

There are many reasons for child labor. Poverty is the biggest reason for child labor in India. Many children have to work to help their families and some families expect their children to continue the family business at a young age.

The consequence

They will neve go to school , and never acquire any skills

The law

The most violated human rights are children rights.

Employment of children is such occupations is not only heartbreaking , it's also illegal

The policy of the government is to ban employment of children below the age of fourteen years in factories, mines and hazardous employment and to regulate the working conditions of children in other employment.

The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 seeks to achieve this basic objective.But each year the labor ministery reported a lot of violation and prosecution about this law.

Employers can be fined up to 365 dollard and sent to prison for a year if they not respect the law

The government has a special cell to help children in exploitive circumstances. These cells comprise of social inspectors, as well as other administrative personnel, employed specifically to deal with child labour issues. There are many organization which aims to stop the child labour on global level such as CRY, UNICEF, ILO etc.

To stop child labour is not only governments but each individual’s social responsibility.


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