Analyse sectorielle : QUESTIONNAIRE ON THE DOCUMENTARY «SICKO». Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar melidu20 • 7 Décembre 2022 • Analyse sectorielle • 1 020 Mots (5 Pages) • 305 Vues
- What was the documentary about, be precise.
This documentary is directed by Mickael Moore of «the weinsten compagny», his name is «sicko». This documentary was created on September 5, 2007.
Michael created this documentary to denounce the social security system in different countries,
He asked a handful of Americans if they had social security, if in the event of an accident or serious illness they were entitled to financial assistance. Mickael compares the social system of the USA with Canada, the United Kingdom and France, then Mickael Moore interviewed the volunteers of September 11, 2001 during the attack on the twin towers.
He then spoke about the U.S. terrorist prison at Guantanamo in Cuba.
He then told Cubans about the care they were entitled to without paying and without the need for social security. Finally, he met firefighters.
- Which case impressed you the most ? Explain the case and tell me why it impressed you
The case that impressed me the most was Rick, it is cut two phalanges using a machine.
The middle finger was estimated at $60,000 and the ring finger at $12,000. He was able to pay only the ring finger because the price was too important, he took care of the middle finger alone. I find it excessive the price you have to pay to have the appropriate care.
Frank's case also struck me. He was 79 years old and had to work in a supermarket as a housekeeper to pay for his antalgiques estimated at $ 213
- What do you think about American Social Security ? Be constructive in your argument
50 million Americans don't have Social Security because the cost is high and insurance doesn't cover most illnesses or accidents. 250 million Americans have Social Security, but are not sure they will be covered. The United States lets people die who don't have enough money to pay for the medical expenses they need.
Medications are out of price for some people. U.S. Social Security doesn't accept everyone.
For each registration, people have a medical check-up to see if they have not been prone to one or more diseases in the past. Social Security doesn't want to pay too much for their patients.
- Compare it to the French Social Security ?
In France the mutual is paid but not the social security. Depending on the type of mutual insurance, some medical expenses are either fully reimbursed or half reimbursed. Unlike Americans who have high-priced Social Security and have almost nothing reimbursed.
- What did some people have to do to be able to pay for their medecines, their operations and/or their medical treatments ? Give at least 2 exemples and explain the situation
People who do not have the money to pay are either: force to sell their property, either to treat oneself, or to go into debt for life.
After Donna's cancer and Larry's heart attack, this couple had to sell their house and return to live with their daughter, to be able to pay their medical expenses estimated at $ 90,000.
A 9-month-old girl born deaf, her parents had no help.
- Why did health insurance companies refuse to accept many American patients ? Give facts
some social security refuse to accept patients either because people do not have enough money, or because people have already been sick and risk costing them "too much".
Many social security have a list of illnesses they do not cover. Like diabetes, cancers, heart disease, over weight, or anorexia.