Myth and Heroes
Commentaire de texte : Myth and Heroes. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar youtec • 9 Mai 2015 • Commentaire de texte • 492 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 666 Vues
Let's talk about Myth and Heroes. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon. I would like to illustrate this notion through Bonnie and Clyde life's and the myth of Bansky. To what extent Bonnie, Clyde and Bansky can be considered as hero ? To begin with, I'm going to talk about Bonnie and Clyde life's then I will explain how Banksy is a myth. To answer to the question, im gonna the movie Bonnie and Clyde and the graphiti of Banksy.
But we'll talk about the anti-heroes like Bonnie and Clyde who existed in real life and have donated all the social codes and made blur the line between good and evil as we studied in class. Their adventures begin in the 30s when the US are in a difficult environment: an economic and financial crisis hits New York. Panic seized the population, banks fail, small shareholders were ruined, and unemployment continues to rise. Bonnie and Clyde were against this government who was stealing from the poor to give it to the rich, this is why they began to roob bank with their friends. After 3 robbery the gangster Bonnie and Clyde and his group were the most wanted people in the US.
Those persons was fascinating everyone in the country except the police, poor people were impressed by their acts like in a moment in the movie Bonnie and Clyde a farmer tell to the journalist “I'll be there in their funeral” it show how people like them even if they were bank robbers.
We can also talk about the actor who played the character of Bonnie, Faye Dunaway who show a figure of a beautiful, and intelligent woman who have is own rules in the period of the Woman lib's, people in the 60s where chocked to see a woman in a gangster movie and equal to his male partner.
Moreover Banksy is the most well known graffiti artist in the world, even though he has never revealed his true identity. Quirky and political, his work has satirised oppression in Palestine, hypocrisy in politics and capitalist greed in London.
His spray-painted images are illegal but still create newspaper headlines and sell for six figure sums in galleries around the world.
In classroom we study the girl with a ballon the image evokes the idea that hope is essential, as it gives people the motivation to continue on in life despite rude circumstances. Bansky is cleverly able to use the squalid surroundings in which the work is placed to portray bleakness during difficult times. Love, symbolized by the balloon, is a fundamental human need and must be cherished. Banksy has a lot of graphiti who show different injustive in this world.