Transport d'armes aux Etats-Unis (document en anglais)
Dissertations Gratuits : Transport d'armes aux Etats-Unis (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar brita • 2 Avril 2015 • 687 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 159 Vues
Carrying of weapons in the USA
Audrey and me are going to talk about the origin of the firearms in theSA. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution of 1787 says very explicitly that the right to bear arms is permitted, but in the context of a "militia". At the time of the War of Independence, the settlers created militias that have become the army of the United States. They remained in place today in the form of the National Guard of States. If this public military reserve is accessible to all, including the weekend, where you can attend meetings, everyone can own a gun in claiming the latter.
The settlers defended themselves by arms against the British, for the birth of the United States. The carrying of weapons has become a defensive approach in the American tradition.
Statistic :
The number of firearms an estimated 300 million to 318 million outstanding person in the usa, an average of one weapon per person. In reality, these pistols, assault rifles and other hunting weapons are the delight 42 million households, or 40% of US households.
Average arms holding rate is 57.7% of the population says a study from Boston University School of Public Health. Needless to 25.8% in Hawaii to 76.8% in Mississippi.
There are approximately 30,000 deaths by firearms per year, according to the Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence, among which are included homicides, suicides and accidental deaths. According to the FBI, there were 8583 murders by gunfire in 2011, an average of 23 a day. However, the figure drops from year to year.
40% of guns are bought at fairs or sales by owners, said the New Yorker. The antecedents of the buyers are therefore not audited as required by law or carrying a weapon permit required.
In April 2012, Texas was the most equipped state with 304,000 firearms in circulation according to the US Department of Justice. Texas (25 million inhabitants) is the second most populous state in the United States, after California 284 000 weapons 37 million.
68% of Americans have a favorable opinion of the National Riffle Association (NRA), which strongly argues against any restriction of the right to carry firearms. Fire gun lobby also boasts 4 million members. Less than 1.5% of the population, but an undeniable power over US policy.
First in 1911, the State of New York adopts a control law.
But the most important law is the Brady law passed in 1994. It limits the possession of firearms by criminals and former imposes control psychiatric and criminal history when buying a gun allows neuve.Cela thus limiting repeat offenders crimes.
In addition, different states of the United States are trying more and more to limit the purchase of weapons: in fact there are 11 major federal laws.
This does not mean that by against arms sales have fallen very strongly: the United States remains a country still very "consumer" of weapons ...
While some measures put in place by the US government, many accidents have occurred.
1) Bath consolidaled school. This is one of the first suicide bombings in history in the US. There were 46 dead and 38 wounded by a member of the school comissions