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L'alcool en Australie (document en anglais)

Analyse sectorielle : L'alcool en Australie (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Septembre 2014  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  205 Mots (1 Pages)  •  852 Vues

Alcohol is widely consumed in Australia as it is frequently available at social and cultural activities. On a per capita scale, 10.3 litres of pure alcohol were consumed by each Australian in 2010. The average amongst OECD countries was 9.1 litres. Beer was the most preferred beverage, followed by wine, spirits and pre-mixed beverages. In 2007, it was reported that $128 million was spent on alcohol advertising in Australia. In 2007, it was reported that $128 million was spent on alcohol advertising in Australia.

In Australia, a large study has found people are increasingly drinking before they go out to avoid high alcohol prices in venues.

So People are used to take pre-dinner drink at home, with friends or family.

Per capita consumption of cheese :


2005/2006 11.3

2006/2007 12.0

2007/2008 12.5

2008/2009 13.0

2009/2010 13.3

2010/2011 13.7

2011/2012 13.5

2012/2013 13.5

(source : Dairy manufactuers and Dairy Australia)

There are over 100 different types of cheese made in Australia and each has a special recipe. The most popular cheese in Australia is cheddar cheese.

As we can see on this bar chart, salted snacks is really appreciate by the australians population aged more than 14 years old.

So we could suppose that Australians, will really appreciate the combination of cheese and salted flavors looking at the consumption of cheese per capita in Australia.


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