Chapitre 5: La vie en haute mer (document en anglais)
Dissertations Gratuits : Chapitre 5: La vie en haute mer (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 6 Décembre 2013 • 8 281 Mots (34 Pages) • 885 Vues
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Disclaimer: The following is a nonprofit Fan based story; Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, and One Piece belong to Toei Animation, TV Tokyo, Funimation, any other studio, Eiichiro Oda, and Masashi Kishimoto. Everything you read here belongs to them except for; OCs, all my custom Devil Fruits, any original Jutsu, and the plot, they belong to clashofthelegends, which is me.
Here is the first of a long group of chapters that I have dubbed "Naruto's Adventures" these next chapters will be dedicated to the lives of Naruto and the Straw Hat Pirates as well as anyone they meet. do not expect him to return to the elemental Nations any time soon
Rise of the Kaizoukage
Chapter 5: Life on the High Seas
It had been two weeks since Naruto joined the Straw Hat pirates, for Naruto this was the best thing to happen to him ever. Naruto leaned against the starboard railing as he found himself deep in thought about the straw hats All the Straw hats were extremely good to him to the point that Kurama mentioned that these guys would march straight into hell kick the shit out of every demon there and throw a party just for you despite their apparent insanity.
Life on the Thousand Sunny had been far from normal (for a normal person) but to the Straw Hats it was typical. Luffy, Chopper and Ussop running around acting like little children sometimes Brook and Naruto would join them. Naruto saw the immature trio as brothers since despite being at least a decade older than him that acted like kids his age more than he did which kind of scared him. He enjoyed playing games with them it brought out a side of him that he and Kurama had forgotten was there.
At first Naruto was freaked out by the fact that Brook was a living skeleton, but soon his idiotic antics and skull jokes won Naruto over. No matter what mood Naruto was in Brook's music always seemed to cheer him up and he could not help but to sing along with the rest of the crew despite not knowing the words to Bink's Sake or any other song for that matter.
Franky could be found working on crazy inventions in his work shop sometimes with Usopp. Both of them were great inventors in their own right. Naruto couldn't help but call their inventions (in the words of Franky) SUPER!
Sanji was found most of the time in the kitchen or swooning over Robin and Nami which Naruto found quite funny how he enters his "love mode" whenever a girl talks to him. Speaking of Sanji Naruto had never tasted anything so delicious before in his life, sure he ate some of the meals that his "mother" had made for the family and Ramen but comparing Sanji's food to the food he ate in Konoha was like a truck going 70mph vs. a squirrel on the highway, no contest.
Nami typically was working on her maps or she was sunbathing on the deck (Kurama really enjoyed when she sunbathed). Naruto learned day one to never piss her off so he stayed on her good side as best he could. Sadly this didn't last long (three days, that was a new record) as he soon realized that when you play tag or have a water balloon fight with the immature trio Nami, sleeping Zoro and Robin are all off limits and if you touch them its instant death. Despite her violent and greedy nature Nami acted like an older sister to Naruto caring for him as any older sister would. In all honesty Naruto was rather grateful to now have an older sister instead of a younger brat.
Zoro could almost always be found outside either sleeping or training or surprisingly both at the same time. Naruto had picked up that Zoro was extremely lazy but strong at the same time. Sometimes Naruto found himself watching Zoro train, and every time he was astounded by his strength. Kurama told Naruto there was no way Zoro was even human with his level of strength. Ever since he had first met Zoro he felt a bond with swordsman. As if no matter what happened or decision Naruto would make Zoro would be their to protect and support him all the way. something he had never felt with his real parents.
The person Naruto liked to spend the most time with was Robin. Most of the time she could be found reading a book in a lawn chair. On the first day aboard the Sunny Robin noticed that Naruto was extremely unsure about what he should be doing so she invited him to sit next to her and read a book which he accepted. As time progressed Naruto discoverd that Robin had quite the morbid sense of humor even though this unnerved him a little he began to see Robin more and more as a mother to him which made up for all her little quirks.
Just these two weeks had made Naruto a better person than he could have ever become if he had not met the straw hat pirates. Even if Kami himself offered Naruto a chance to live with Minato and Kushina as their son in an alternate universe he would turn it down in favor of a bunch of ragtag pirates. They were his family, his friend his nakama now, Sunny and the ocean were his home not even Kami himself can take that away from him.
Naruto's mind drifted when suddenly he was hit in the back of the head by a water balloon. Naruto turned around only to have his face meet by another water balloon.
"C'mon Naruto Play with us!" Chopper called out standing next to Luffy Ussop all three holding water balloons.
"Sure, but I'm warning-" he was cut off by another water balloon to the face by Ussop. "Hey I wasn't ready."
"Too bad, all's fair in love and war." The long nosed sniper said as he chucked another balloon at Naruto igniting an all out water balloon war.
The Water war as it was so called escalated from four participants all the way to everyone except Nami and Robin. Franky modified his body to shoot Balloons from his cannons which distracted the idiot trio just enough to be hit by Naruto. Brook ran around sniping people thanks to his beastly speed this howver did not save him from Franky's water balloon cannon.
"It appears that last attack has soaked me to the bone. Ah but I am nothing but bone! YOHOHOHOHOHO! SKULL JOKE!" he called out causing Naruto and Luffy to lose it
Sanji saw himself as Robin's personal Guard defending her from any stray balloons even though she was more than capable at defending herself. Chopper transformed into his heavy point and threw a balloon at Naruto just missing him only to hit Sanji as he was flirting with Robin, getting the cook involved.