Causes de la migration (document en anglais)
Commentaire de texte : Causes de la migration (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar katy111111 • 26 Mars 2014 • Commentaire de texte • 520 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 171 Vues
Migration can be defined as “a process of moving, either across an international border, or within a State. Encompassing any kind of movement of people, whatever its length, composition and causes; it includes refugees, displaced persons, uprooted people, and economic migrants.”1 Migration is certainly not a recent phenomenon; on the contrary, it has been part of the human history since its very beginning. People have migrated from one continent to the other, from country to country or internally, inside the same country. Currently, IOM states that there are about one billion migrants around the world. This number includes 214 million international migrants and 740 million internally displaced persons (IDPs)2.a
Legal immigration which isgoverned by rules and applied by the host state
Illegal immigration where immigrants cross the borders without formal procedures and remain in the host nation without being granted residency
The immigration, as a decision maked by a person is an act that occurs, because of some factors especially in the under developed countries and the most importants causes or reasons are mainly social reasons, politic reasons and economic reasons.
For the first reason which is the social one , the underdeveloped countries know and suffer from crisis at the economic level, this factor leads the people to immigrates abroad in order to gain money , and find a work. Also, poverty leads many people and pushes them to search for a work and gain money to solve their problems and afford their needs, but this isn't available or easy to reach in their home country, so that they choose to travel abroad where the work is available and the cost of living isn't rising, and where they can improve their social situation.
For the second reason, which is politic, and as we know, in some countries especially the underdeveloped one there is some civil wars between the citizenship, this fact means that there is no peace in that country and automatically we know that when there is no peace there is no normal life, because when the war start it damaged anything and everyone who is in front of it, and because of all that some people choose to travel abroad and avoid any trouble caused by the war.
At least, and for the third reason, which is the economic one, the most underdeveloped countries suffer from the low salaries that the workers get, which push many of them to think of the immigration .Also, those countries don't afford for all the people enough jobs especially for the younger's that are considered as new comers to the job market where they shocked when they discover that there isn't enough jobs for them and so that their decision will be surely to travel abroad or to immigrate definitively . But the most dangerous problem is that some younger's travel even if they have high degrees in different domains and this will leads those countries to fall in the problem of BRAIN DRAIN, so that their immigration could be a great loss for their countries, especially in a time where there countries are in a great need for their knowledge.