Projet Anglais
Recherche de Documents : Projet Anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar antoine62217 • 28 Mars 2015 • 319 Mots (2 Pages) • 625 Vues
Hello guys !
First of all, I'm going to talk about the famous social network called « Facebook »
Before everything, I would like to give a quick definition of Facebook
Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create a profile, upload photos and videos, send messages and keep in touch with their friends, family and colleagues.
Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg while he was studying at Harvard University. As a keen computer programmer, Zuckerberg had already developed a number of social-networking websites for fellow students.
In February 2004 (two thousand four), Zuckerberg launched « The Facebook »
A month later, Facebook is a success in the United States. Indeed more than 50% (fifty percent) of the American undergraduate population has already a profile.
In August 2005 (two thousand five), the domain is purchased for $200,000. (two hundred thousand dollars)
In September 2006 (two thousand six), Facebook is opened to everybody.
In January 2009 (two thousand nine), Facebook has about 175 (one hundred seventy five) millions users around the world.
Each days about 600 000 ( six hundred thousand) new accounts are created. Facebook is the second largest Social network on the web.
Today, Facebook is available in 60 (sixty )languages. The expansion continues.
II)Facebook business
In 2007, Facebook generated 150 dollars, in my opinion, it's so incredible !!
Today, Facebook reached 500 million registered members, the equivalent of connecting with eight per cent of the world's population.
III)Facebook and its controversies
But there are a bad point: Indeed Facebook’s advertising system is invading users privacy ; we can refer to the notion « right to the image ». But the private life of people can be put in danger.
Facebook is banned in some enterprises to discourage employees from wasting their time at work.
Facebook is censored in some repressive countries like Syria, China, Iran, etc.
The issue of people’s privacy: 1 billion pictures stored in the site and 6 million uploaded dail