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Oral Anglais

Mémoires Gratuits : Oral Anglais. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Août 2014  •  261 Mots (2 Pages)  •  885 Vues

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Progress is a term that covers a multitude of issues whether they be social or technological, artistic or domestic. But perhaps the interpretation which preoccupies us the most is the progress in consumerism which has revolutionalised our everyday lives. Consumerism in the belief that personal well-being and hapiness depends on the level of personal consuption : at the center of hapiness is consuption and material possesions. Will rogers say "too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like ". Then, How can people change their consumption habits ? In the first part, we study the text "I shop, there I am" speaking of the new consumer , in the second part, I will talk about consumer problems and in the last part I will talk about the benefits of the new consumer

In the text "Shopping habbit", the journalist relates wath happened on Black Fridayn when people rush to supermarcket to get the best bargainst : the frienzied crowd of shoppers trampled an employee to death and 4 people were injured. These accidents heppen because consumers are so greedy that they become "fanatical" and "hyper-consumerist". They are overwelmed by their desir for consumer good. Consuption is very much triggered by advertissement companies and commercials.

Consuption makes you feel safer because :

- it gives people the feeling that they belong to a group

- it gives them a social status : they look powerful

But there is a major issue : the impact of our over-increasing consuption of goods is devastating for the environement.


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