Un combo important: électrons, conductions et tension (document en anglais)
Cours : Un combo important: électrons, conductions et tension (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar 12alin34 • 26 Février 2013 • Cours • 8 711 Mots (35 Pages) • 950 Vues
An important combo: Electrons,
conductors, and voltage
Say that you have a wire (a conductor), and you attach one of its ends to the
positive terminal of a battery and the other end of the wire to the negative terminal
of the battery. Electrons then flow through the wire from the negative to
the positive terminal. This flow of electrons is referred to as an electric current.
When you combine electrons, a conductor, and voltage you create an electric
current in a form that you can use.
To help you picture how conductors and voltage affect the flow of electric
current in a wire, think of how water pressure and pipe diameter affect the
flow of water through a pipe. Here’s how this analogy works:
_ Increasing water pressure causes more water to flow through the pipe.
This is analogous to increasing voltage, which causes more electrons to
flow, producing greater electric current.
_ Using a larger diameter pipe allows more water to flow through the pipe
for a given amount of pressure. This is analogous to using wire with a
larger diameter, which allows more electrons to flow for a given voltage,
producing greater electric current.
Where Do You Get Electricity?
Electricity is created when voltage pulls an electric current through a conductor.
But when you sit down and run a wire between a switch and a light, just
where do you get the juice (the electricity) to power that light?
12 Part I: Getting Started in Electronics
Conventional current versus real current
Early experimenters believed that electric current
was the flow of positive charges. So they
described electric current as the flow of a positive
charge from positive to negative voltage.
Much later, experimenters discovered electrons
and determined that the flow of electrons in
wires goes from negative to positive voltage.
The original convention is still with us today, —
so the standard is to depict the direction of electric
current in diagrams with an arrow that
points opposite to the direction that electrons
actually flow. Conventional current is the flow
of a positive charge from positive to negative
voltage and is just the reverse of real current.
There are many different sources of electricity — everything from the old
walking-across-a-carpet-and-touching-a-doorknob kind to solar power. But to
make your life simple, this book takes a look at the three sources that you’re
likely to use for electronics projects: batteries, your wall outlet, and solar cells.
They just keep on going: Batteries
A battery uses a process called electrochemical reaction to produce a positive
voltage at one terminal and a negative voltage at the other terminal. The battery
creates these charges by placing two different metals in a certain type of
chemical. Because this isn’t a chemistry book, we don’t get into the guts of a
battery here — but trust us, this is essentially what goes on.
Batteries have two terminals (a terminal is just a fancy word for a piece of
metal to which you can hook up wires). You often use batteries to supply
electricity to devices that are portable, such as a flashlight. In a flashlight,
the bulb has two wires running to the battery, one to each terminal. What
happens next? Something like this:
_ Voltage pulls electrons through the wire from the negative terminal of
the battery to the positive terminal.
_ The electrons moving through the wire pass through the wire filament in
the light bulb, causing the bulb to light up.
Because the electrons move in only one direction, from the negative terminal
through the wires to the positive terminal, the electric current generated by a
battery is called direct current, or DC. This is in contrast to alternating current
(AC) which is discussed in the following section, “Garden-Variety Electrical
The wires on a battery must connect to both terminals. This setup allows
electrons to flow from one terminal of the battery, through the bulb, and all
the way to the other terminal. If the electrons can’t complete this kind of loop
between negative and positive, electrons don’t flow.
Garden-variety electrical outlets
When you plug a light into an electrical outlet in your wall, you’re using electricity
that originated at a generating plant. That plant may be located at a dam
or come from another power source, such as nuclear power. Or it may be fired
by coal or natural gas. Because