Le commerce équitable (document en anglais)
Commentaire de texte : Le commerce équitable (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar kevreyy • 27 Octobre 2014 • Commentaire de texte • 314 Mots (2 Pages) • 842 Vues
Fair Trade
I. Presentation of Fair Trade
Fair trade is a system of exchange whose aim is to achieve greater equity in the conventional trade. His approach consists in use trade as a lever for development and reduction of inequalities, ensuring fair compensation for producers.
In this economic perspective are added ethical, social and environmental concerns which don’t still to make the unanimity, not requiring the intermediary of States and the modification of the national legislations.
mi-XIXème : birth of the concept (novel Multatuli)
1950 : OXFAM, precursor humanitarian organization
1964 : launch of the program « Traid, not Aid! » by CNUCED
1969 : opening of the first "World shop" in the Netherlands
1973 : creation of "Artisans of the World"
1988 : creation of the Association Max Havelaar label
1993 : creation of “ TransFair“ label in Germany
1994 : creation of the Fair Trade label in Ireland and the UK
2002 : Fairtrade Labelling Organizations created International Fairtrade
Certification Mark
II. Advantage of Fair Trade
Ensure labor remuneration of producers of the poorest countries, and satisfy their basic needs.
Ensure the respect of fundamental rights.
To establish lasting relations between economic partners.
Promote the preservation of the environment.
Propose to the consumers of quality products
III. Limits of Fair Trade
It still does not guarantee to the producers a level of remuneration and social protection comparable to that of consumers
Some monetary benefits are sometimes distributed by wholesalers, cooperatives, and not to workers who would remain paid in the usual rates.
Fair trade does not always take into account the damages which it provokes directly or indirectly on the environment.
Products are akin to fair trade, playing miscegenation appearance which is contrary to the principles of fair trade. This causes a strong confusion.
Fair trade was recovered, in part, by the networks of large retailers. So it contributes to the prosperity of these networks which worry more to pay their shareholders that their suppliers.
If he is not controlled, it can impoverish biodiversity through the production race