La globalisation (document en anglais).
Fiche : La globalisation (document en anglais).. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar milosftu • 12 Mars 2015 • Fiche • 246 Mots (1 Pages) • 598 Vues
Nowadays, the globalization phenomena makes companies of every size think beyond domestic
market. However, implement an international strategy that is efficient is not a simple task for
firms. Indeed, companies have to respond to market specific context while they have different
characteristics. In the literature, with regard to the adaptation/standardization of the marketing
mix, most of the researches have built their theories upon the analysis of multinationals’ cases.
Little attention has been paid on the cases of SMEs although in different topics of interest it has
been seen that these two types of companies do not behave exactly the same ways. Therefore, this
thesis aims to find the reasons affecting the SME’s decision of adapting/standardizing the
marketing mix and how do they proceed to do so.
A qualitative research has been done with one Belgian small-medium enterprise (Bruyere) that
evolves in the chocolate industry and more precisely in the market of pralines. The data gathered,
thanks to the interview of two managers of Bruyerre, are structured with the theoretical
framework beforehand developed. The analysis and discussion section contrasts and compares
the theoretical framework and the data gathered.
The research brought specific and significant findings about the small-medium Belgian enterprise
(Bruyerre). Beyond general factors affecting their decisions either to adapt or standardize the
element of the marketing mix strategy across nations, in this case, we found that managers have
to build strong relationships with their partners across nations, take into consideration the nature
of their product when deciding the strategy of adaptation/standardization and be flexible for their
partners’ requests.
Key Words: Marketing mix, adaptation, standardization, SMEs, internationalization.