Crowfounding (document en anglais)
Commentaire de texte : Crowfounding (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar charles13 • 18 Décembre 2014 • Commentaire de texte • 351 Mots (2 Pages) • 648 Vues
First I would like introduce Crowdfunding
Crowfounding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising money from a large number of people, typically via the internet.
There is three types of actors: the project initiator who proposes the idea to be funded; individuals or groups who support the idea; and a moderating organization (the "platform") that brings the parties together to launch the idea
We can think that Crowdfunding platforms are cash machines.
Nearly 20,000 projects were funded on Kickstarter last year. Which sounds exciting! Like it’s easy to get funded.
But in reality, less than 41% of approved Kickstarter campaigns get funded and another 20% of projects submitted are rejected, and never see the light of day. So really, it’s closer to one-third of all attempted campaigns that get funded.
In general, it’s a platform for small artistic projects, not launching a major company.
Also, most successful campaigns don’t get much. Most funded campaigns raise less than $10,000. On 72,000 projects funded on Kickstarter since its starting, only about 1,600 raised more than $100,000.
1 You have an audience
“In most cases, the majority of funding initially comes from the fans and friends of each project.”
a list of people to whom they could announce their crowdfunding campaign
Before you get excited about using crowdfunding, ask yourself how you would drive visitors to your campaign page.
2. You offer something truly groundbreaking
Many of the most successful campaigns on Kickstarter have involve a breakthrough technology, or a breakthrough use of an existing technology
3. You market the heck out of your campaign
you should have a marketing plan in place for how you will get the word out. You should have also been preselling this — talking for months prior to your audience about what you’ll be offering and giving them updates on the progress to launch day, so that they’re already primed for interest.
4. You create a fascinating video
Your video has to be engaging enough to get people to share it with their friends, and ultimately, to put up their money. Don’t scrimp here.
5. You have exciting rewards
Think about what you can give people that would motivate them to donate.